Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 51 - T Town and Temple Trip


So, we were driving with the Johnson's to go visit some people and took my camera out to look at some pictures I'd taken. (It's like a "phantom phone" problem all missionaries have. We have to be mindlessly scrolling through something when we're not actively teaching, studying, writing, etc... haha!!) Anywho. I flip my camera over, and see a FREAKING SPIDER crawl across the INSIDE of the flash. W. H. AAAAA. T.????? I screamed and almost threw the camera through the windshield, which of course scared the teeth right out of poor old Elder and Sister Johnson. I told them all what I saw, and Sister Begay was like "Ooook, Sister Smith it's time to go nah night." They all thought I was hallucinating! I honestly was a little afraid I was too.. Luckily, a few hours later it happen again, and I made everyone stare at the camera and wait for the spider to made an appearance. We got a picture of it! WHAT THE CRAP. How on earth in there a spider living in my camera??? Why do these things happen to me??? It's a water proof camera too, so that thing should be air tight. I don't understand how it got in there, but now I just tote a spider friend around with me where ever I go. It's really upsetting. 

So our new Northport district is made of 5 sets of sisters (10 sisters total... 👍), two senior couples (the Jones and the Johnsons), and then just our district leader and his companion. They call us the Relief Society district. I don't know how we got to lucky. Rather, I don't know how Elder Jesses (DL) got so lucky.. Hah! It's actually been super hilarious, and why fun so far. All of us are super chill, so we have a good time. Lots of laughing. Elders Jessen and his comp. Elder Johnson are hilarious. We surprised Elder Jessen with a big blown up picture of himself "preaching" for his birthday. He was pretty stoked. 

It's been bad weather all week, so Sister Begay and I have resorted to riding around with big plastic "trash bag" ponchos on, which look like big parachutes strapped to our  backs once we get going fast enough. Really exciting.

It's "Rush week" here in T-Town, which means all the sororities are going through the "selection" process. I really don't know what else to call it. It's brutal. We witnessed the craziest things the other day. The sororities all have their own chant "song" thing that they burst into once the front doors open. There's a group of 50 or so baby faced spring chickens standing out front, and the sorority chants their cheer, while one by one these poor baby girls are taken into the house, each greeted by a white teethed, shiny haired, perfectly manicured "big sister," who smiles this creepy, over the top, "I haven't slept in years," wide eyed smile, and says "HI EMILY! WELCOME TO ALPHA PHI!" Woah, talk about great and spacious building.. it's like straight up Stepford Wives all over Tuscaloosa. Secret combinations. It's honestly the scariest thing I've ever seen. Sister Begay and I have been trying to get into the spirit, as you may see in some of this week's pictures.

Anyway, while the rest of the town is busy with that, it's been a great opportunity to find some of the Lord's prepared. We have a lot of really cool girls to follow up with this week, who weren't involved in the rushing. 

I wish I had more time to tell you about some of the happy, but we have to go.

One great thing is LEE GOT BAPTIZED! I don't know if you'll remember, but he was one of our investigators in Corinth. The one that always called us "long haired hippy boys." Haha. I love him! So excited for him. 

We were able to go to the temple this morning, which was so nice and peaceful. I've been really homesick for my family lately. It was so nice to be there and remember the day I went through the temple with so many of the people I love, and all the missionaries who taught me. I miss those days!

I'll try to write more good stuff next week.
I love you all!

Love Sister Smith

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