Saturday, October 28, 2017

Week 61: Bama Belles

Hi ya'll.

It was a good week! Nothing too crazy.

We had a bon fire with the YSA on friday, that two of our investigators came to! It was really great to see them making friends with everyone. The members here are so strong. They have to be! They truly are the "salt of the 
earth" out here.

 Wheeler's baptism in AZ on Saturday went really well! So exciting :) we're so happy for him. One of his really good friends who introduced him to the gospel, and just returned home from his own mission, got to baptize him. The AZ missionaries had us send a picture of Sis Begay and I with him so they could get a picture of us all together on his day. Haha.. it's pretty cute.

This will most likely be Sister Begay and I's official last week together. Feeling pretty bummed about that, and terrified for my last three transfers.

Here in the ABM we refer to our mission as the "SS Holy Bama." We're building it out of unity, individual covenant keeping, dedication to Christ and love for our fellow men. "...we are going to build this ship and sail it for the glory of God." -President Sainsbury

We were contacting down by the river Saturday night, and came across my favorite little tug boat called the "Bama Belle." :) I may never be a true Southern Belle.. but I'm proud to be a Bama Belle.

This is about to get cheesy..
If I had more time and energy today, I'd probably come up with some clever way to talk about how each missionary out here is like a little tug boat. Not very powerful alone, but with individual effort, our engines combine to create the SS Holy Bama.
Much like how as members of the Church we are called to be the Salt of the Earth. D&C 101:39 "When men are called unto mine everlasting gospel, and covenant with an everlasting covenant, they are accounted as the salt of the earth and the savor of men."

(this is a great talk on what it means to be the salt of the earth)

Somewhere in there is a great analogy!... But I just don't have it today. Haha.

Man, this holiday season is going to be a little tougher than last. I miss my friends and family! And pants... and comfy shoes. 

I love you guys and hope you have a great week!
Love Teirs

Week 60: My People


We had a zone activity today, so we have basically no time to email, but I think I'll be able to send something out tomorrow.

Today was way fun, we played a bunch of "minute to win it" games, and then climbed the spider net slide thing and played ultimate frisbee. I love my ABM people. I love all my Alabama people.

Cole's baptism went so well!! He was so happy all day. 

There was a huge bon fire on campus this week, made me miss having fires and watching movies with my fam at home.

Man, hopefully we can write a little more tomorow!

I love you guys so much.

Love Teirs

Alright we have a hot minute today, I can catch up from the last couple weeks.

So back to the Gladys Knight and Saints Unified Voices devotional:

Go to the link below and watch the video at the bottom of the page. 

Sister Begay and I got to be on a "special team" of 12 missionaries (us and ten Elders.. haha) who were to be the "face of the church" in this event. We had a special meeting with Kenya, Gladys Knight's daughter (the woman talking at the beginning of the video), and another man who heads these events.. I can't remember his name. Hours before the first show we were given instruction and got to hear their testimonies of how the Lord has used these devotionals to do his work. Gladys and the SUV choir work under the direction of Elder Ballard. It was a really sweet way to start the night. 

These things are huge productions, and there's a ton of work that goes into it. It's all extremely organized, with the stage crew starting in the early morning to transform the chapel. Our team had to be there hours before the first show to put together gift bags and receive instruction on the referral cards that people would fill out and turn in to us after the devotionals. In the pictures I send last week you see another team of missionaries who worked till about 1:30am after the devotionals, entering referral information into computers. 

The team we were on was to greet and direct guests, making them feel welcome and comfortable so that they could feel the spirit of the testimonies they would hear in word and song. We provided each person with a program which contained a referral card that they could fill out after the show, to have missionaries deliver a gift bag to their home, containing a sample CD of Gladys and the SUV choir's music, a Restoration DVD, and a Book of Mormon. Those referrals became the fruit of many miracles that took place leading up to the event, preparing people to receive the message of the restored gospel. Much like our sweet Turner family I wrote about.

Watch the video at this link too.. these are some of the incredible people we got to work with!

Ok so one of my favorite miracles we experienced during this event is about Keith and Ollie.
You remember my friend Keith, who I wrote about playing guitar with a few weeks ago? He had a friend he always talked to us about who had been "so happy ever since she made Mormon friends." That friend of his in named Ollie, and she's in a wheelchair. The senior couple in Demopolis have been taking her to church with them, and helping the Sister missionaries teach her about the gospel for months. Keith has been so touched by their care for his friend, and it has really helped break down his walls. Anyway, we invited Keith to come to the devotional, but he wasn't able to make it. 
During the first show, I was standing in the foyer doorway watching this older white woman in a wheelchair and her black young man caregiver smiling, clapping and swaying to the beautiful gospel music. It was such a sweet scene, everyone all mixed together. All different races, religious and cultural backgrounds enjoying the spirit on unity in the Lords chapel. It brought tears to my eyes! This woman in the wheelchair had such a sweet smile that lit up her eyes. You could see how happy she was to be there with everyone. She reminded me so much of my Grandma Ford, who passed away years ago. 
A while later that caregiver approached me and asked if I could direct them to the restroom. I offered to take her myself, and as I wheeled her to and from the restroom we chatted about how much she was enjoying the music, and listening to Gladys speak about being united in the love of the Savior. When we got back to her spot, I sat next to her in the young man's empty chair while he stepped outside for some air. I put my arm around her, and we listened and swayed together. Every once in  a while when the notes of the choir raised chills on our arms she's lean over and comment on how beautiful it all was. I'm not sure the extent of her disabilities, but her hands shook, making it impossible for her to write anymore. While the music was still going, she reached down for her referral card, and motioned for me to take it and write in her information for her. I was happy to, and asked what name to write. I could hardly contain myself when she told me her name was Ollie.
After the show I walked Ollie and her young friend out, and I told her who I was and that I knew Keith. Her face lit up with that same light and love I felt, and she told me she knew exactly who I was! She just clapped and said "OOOHHHhh how wonderful!!" and put her arms around my neck like we'd been friends much longer than the hour we'd spent together. She told me that Keith had told her all about our guitar playing, and that she wished he would have been able to make it to the devotional.. Oh it was such a sweet thing. 
I know that the Lord directs every little tiny bit of this work. My heart swells with love every time I think of Ollie's face, and how much He cares for her. There is not a single person, young or old, happy or sad, kind or mean, healthy or frail, that God is not aware of. That Christ did not suffer for. 
There have been countless miracles ever since that night. We've had amazing lessons with all those in our area whom we've been able to deliver gift bags to.

I knew I've love the people I'd serve out here in Alabama.. but I didn't understand how deep and full that love could be. I didn't know that the missionaries I serve with would become my family, and that some of them my spirit would recognize from a time before this life. I didn't realize how much my love for my family and friends back home would grow, despite the distance and time between us. I can feel just a tiny bit of the love my God has for all, as my love for my people grows and stretches from West to South and back again.

Well... Sister Begay's bike got stolen a couple weeks ago, and then she crashed the rental the mission office gave her to use. It's was kind of a bloody mess, but she's all good now. I was on the first aid, and had her cleaned up in no time ðŸ˜‰ I've had two flat tires in one week.. but that's taken care of now too... We're either a dynamic duo or a hot mess.. you decide.

I love you guys past the moon.

Love Sister Smith

Week 59: Turner Fam/Gladys Knight SUV/Tiny Timmy

Super short on time but here's some highlights from the week!
So about three months ago we met the Turner family fishing down on the river walk. We didn't do great with the follow up because we focus mainly on YSA. When we were praying to know who to invite to the Gladys Knight and SUV devotional the Turner family came to mind, so we reached out. Turns out they had just experienced some difficulties which totally prepared them for the message of the gospel. It's been so cool to see how the Lord put them in our path months before they were ready, so that when the time was right they would receive the gospel. They are progressing really fast now.They are so sweet!

The Devotional was amazing, Gladys and the SUV choir were powerful. It was so cool to see our church PACKED with hundreds of people of different faiths, all united with the spirit of love for the Savior. I love the way Southerners worship! It was the most lively bunch I've ever seen! People were dancing and clapping and "YES SIR"ing all over the place! Haha so cool.

We had to stay inside all day yesterday because of the "tropical storm." Nothing too crazy happen, but "tropical" really is the word for it. The air pressure changed so quick it made me sick! My sinuses are all messed up now. The air was SO thick, and like 200% humidity. Oh, but we found a lizard in our apartment, who I rescued. His name is Tiny Timmy. Sister Begay was
 not pleased. 

More to come next week, love you guys!
Love Sister Smith

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week 58 Wheeler Bonus!! - Saban and the Spirit...

So Friday night some guys form the YSA branch invited Wheeler to go out with them after our lesson. They were going to get food, and go hit some golf balls into the lake. They're all really great guys... but you know. GUYS. Dumb stuff happens. Actually I can't say that, I would have totally been down to join in what they did. It's just innocent country fun! Anyway, I'll get to that.

So around 10:00 Sister Begay and I both get this feeling that we need to text Brent and remind him that Wheeler is precious cargo right now, as he is preparing to be baptized, and to just be safe and careful.

We didn't hear back from anyone, and went to bed. Well the next day we see Brent, and he tells us that they got our text just as they were all about to climb up the outside of a water tower!!! Hahaha. For real.. what the heck guys. Well it turns out that just before we texted, Wheeler had got a text from Coach Nick Saban (who he says never texts him) saying "Don't do any dumb sh*t tonight." Hahahahahha. It was the night before the Bama vs. Ole Miss game, and he wanted his players rested and well. 

Oh man, when Brent told us we were just dying. Half laughing because they are such dummies, half in awe that not only was our motherly paranoia for good cause, but also that Saban follows the spirit almost better than we do!

Wheeler, being the good sensible guy he is, decided to play it safe and wait while the rest of them got it out of their system. Brent decided to be a hommie and wait with him. Ah, good guys. I just love 'em. 

Week 58 - Last General Conference Weekend of the Mission

 "The mission doesn't change you, the Gospel does. The mission gives you an opportunity to live the gospel full-time."


I'm pretty bummed, I forgot to bring my General Conference notes to the library... There was so much beautiful and powerful direction and counsel given over the last two weekends. I loved Elder Ballard's talk yesterday. I'll have to go over my notes and send highlights next week. If you didn't get a chance to watch, or if you're looking for some peace in this crazy world, please take some time to listen to the words of our living prophets, seers and revelators.

I heard about the craziness in Las Vegas.. I'm sure many of you felt the same sorrow and anger I experienced. Miraculously, just hours before that we had the opportunity to receive direction and council from Living Prophets of God, much of which taught us how to be spiritually and temporally prepared for the tragic events of these last days, which were prophesied of long before now.

As I thought of the stark contrast between the peace I felt during Conference and the anger I felt upon learning of that tragedy, the spirit reminded me that only the Atonement of Jesus Christ can take away anger and fear that threatens to disrupt our eternal progression. 

Rather than post of our anger and sadness on social media, let us testify of the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. With boldness, honesty and love share the gift we have with those who "know not where to find it." (Doctrine and Covenants 123:12)

If you can't yet feel, with conviction, the reality of that power, search it out. Pray for it, and seek after it. Study the scriptures to understand the beautiful doctrine that has been given to us in this life for these very moments. 

I know and testify along with the leaders of the Lord's church on earth, that "the Book of Mormon exposes the tactics of the adversary." And that "Our faith prepares us to be in the presence of God."

Before you go thinking "Woop, there she goes again getting all 'missionary mode' on us..." I just want you to know that I am still very much myself. I'm fully aware of what the "real world" is like outside of the mission. I remember what it's like to go out with my friends, laugh until I can't breath, and listen to music other than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

I'm serving on a collage campus after all. I don't think I've ever felt more "in the world" than I have these past few months. The advantage I have right now is that I'm set apart from the world as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as such have been given the opportunity to live closer to the spirit than I ever have. I don't have distractions like social media, news, and the competition of the world. My mind has never been clearer.

So when I tell you that these things are true, I'm fully aware of how "out dated, bizarre" and "unpopular" they may seem in the worlds eyes. However, eternal truths are just that. True, eternally. They do not change based on opinion and societies of the world. They existed LONG before this earth did. As did you. 

If you want to feel peace, understand yourself, and see things as they really are, then start studyi 

ng the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Implement His teachings into your life, and see for yourself if wisdom and understanding beyond this world doesn't start to come. In the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi chapter 24 Jesus Christ is teaching some of his doctrine to a group of people here in ancient America. He says to them "Prove me now herewith.. if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." 

Do not short change yourself in the knowledge, experience and blessings you are on earth to receive, because you were too distracted, stubborn or scared to seek after them.

I gained a testimony of fasting and prayer this week. Sister Begay and I planned to fast for a day in preparation for General Conference. We said a prayer to start our fast just before we left the house on Thursday for an appointment with our investigator, Cole. We had already planned to invite Cole to be baptized, which we did. As the lesson went on I felt prompted to ask if he'd like to show his faith by preparing to be baptized on the 14th of October. He looked surprised and smiled as he asked if he could do it that soon. When we told him that it was according to his faith and desire to follow Christ's example, you could visibly see his countenance change, he was so happy! It just so happens that his friend, a recent convert herself, who introduced him to the gospel will be here visiting that weekend! The timing is perfect. He has been coming to church, and the YSA activities. He came and watched a session of conference at President Sally's house yesterday, where he said he felt like he received direction for himself. Wow, it's just been so awesome.

Things are going so well here in the Tuscaloosa YSA. We're coordinating Wheeler's baptism with the Sister missionaries in Arazona. That will take place on Oct 21st.

Sister Begay and I set a goal at the beginning of the transfer to have two baptisms this transfer, and we're so happy to see that goal realized! We feel that because we set the goal, and because we had prayed and began our fast, we were able to have the spirit with us more fully. I have felt that increase of the spirit this whole week.

The pictures I sent this week are kind of random... We had a Zone conference, which was really great. There were masses of people in town for the Ole Miss vs. Bama game... contacting during all the tailgating is one of my favorite things ðŸ˜‚ prime people-watching. Saw of painted portrait of Jose, Jalapeno on a Stick in a delicious taco joint we ate at this week. Made me miss home a bit.. haha!

I love you!

Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18

Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.  So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...