Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Week 18 - O Come Let Us Adore Him...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

First, let me share with you one of my favorite Christmas messages. A ward member gave this to us, and I had never seen it before.  Maybe some of you have.

"Last year, I began to feel that I should attempt a Nativity painting. This of course was a very daunting idea, but I figured the best place to start was with research. I began with Luke 2:7, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”

I also came upon an article of archeologist, Jeffrey R. Chadwick, and found it eye opening and inspiring. Jeffrey R. Chadwick has worked in Israel as a researcher and field archaeologist for over thirty years, specializing in the backgrounds of biblical narratives. He suggested that the manger would have most likely been carved out of white limestone, one of the most abundant natural resources in the Israelite region, and showed pictures of many similar mangers they have uncovered on archaeological digs. And while we like to think of the baby, “asleep on the hay”, he also states that this was also unlikely, as grass was available on the hills surrounding Judea year round. They really would have had no need to store hay, and the mangers were most likely used for water.

I also learned that while we often think of “swaddling bands” as scraps of fabric, showing the poverty of Mary and Joseph, they were actually a big part of Israelite culture. When a young woman was betrothed she immediately began embroidering swaddling bands, which were 5-6” wide strips of linen that would be embroidered with symbols of the ancestry of the bride and groom. Thus the bands symbolized the coming together of the two families as one. They also symbolized the integrity of the woman, as she strove to make both sides of the embroidery match exactly, symbolizing to her soon to be husband that she was as good on the inside as she was on the outside. These bands were then wrapped around the hands of the couple at the wedding ceremony. So the bands the Savior was swaddled in may have included the lion of Judah and the stem of Jesse.

As I wrapped my head around these rather mind altering ideas, I realized that many of the concepts that we have of the Savior’s birth revolve around paintings of European artists from centuries ago. I’m sure they painted according to the best of their abilities and knowledge, but I also wondered why more modern painters had yet to illustrate these concepts. I felt up to the task and began sketching right away. I picked up limestone from a stone yard, I bought linen from the fabric store, and just in time one of my good friends had a baby boy, and oddly enough, his name was Luke. I put all these components together and created this painting.

As I’ve sketched and worked, my heart has been so full as I’ve uncovered this image. For when you take away the Hollywood drama, the traditions of centuries, and the wood and the hay, all you’re really left with is a babe in white linen on white stone. And my mind immediately went to the purpose of the Savior’s life: He was born to die. He came as the sacrificial lamb for all mankind; so how fitting that He would begin his life on a stone altar of sorts, and be wrapped in white linen, like he would after His death. And of course He would be placed in a trough for water, for He would be Living Water, and would bring life to all. I also found myself weeping for the Father, and how it must have felt to see His Son begin life foreshadowing His death. My heart was so full of gratitude that He would send His Only Begotten to be the Savior for us all. That He would send His Son, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, to die so that we all might live. What good news, what comfort and joy, what a gift was given to us all. O come, let us adore Him." -Jenedy Paige

I love what the artist says in that last paragraph.

So we tried really hard all week to invite all of our investigators to the ward Christmas party. It's a great opportunity for them to feel the spirit, and get to know people. We were pretty bummed out when no one showed. But we were half way through dinner when one of the women in the ward came and found us, and said there was someone on the church phone in the hall that wanted to talk to one of us. Just before she handed me the phone she said it was a women named Christina, who wanted to know about the Church.. I panicked because I've never taught a lesson without my companions! Let alone over the phone.

Christina told me that she's been looking for a church to attend for a while, and heard a little about Mormons that she wanted to understand. (way to go to the source Christina! too many people are willing to just believe what they hear, without giving themselves the opportunity to know for themselves). She was so sincere, and sweet. She said she really needed to feel God in her life, and was hoping He would help her find the right way. She looked up the nearest LDS church, and called the number listed. The spirit was so strong, even though it was just me standing in an empty hall talking to a stranger on the other end of the line. Heavenly Father had been preparing Christina for a long time. It probably took so much courage for her to make that call! And what are the chances that the whole ward was in the building on a Saturday night, so that someone was there to answer the phone. We are going to go meet Christina tonight, I'm so excited. It was such a sweet Christmas blessing.

We weren't able to get a Christmas card made.. So MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM US!

I love you all, with my whole heart.
Love Sister Teirsa Smith

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Words of Advice from Sister Smith - "Things NO one should eat..."

​Do not eat these things.. Please.😖

Mission Christmas Party! - She gets to "Sing"...Her true love in life!! - Bonus Email for a "Missing Missionary Mamma" :')

forgot to tell you guys about the Mission Christmas Party! It's on
Wednesday this week, and there will be a talent show.. which should be
super exciting...bring on the cheesy missionary creativity. Haha!

But Sister Chibataka has taught Sister Nielsen and I a really pretty song
in her native language of Lugandan! We're going to sing it in three part
harmony, and I'm pretty excited. I now consider myself bilingual.

I'd love some more printed pictures of the fam for Christmas! Everyone
wants to see what my family looks like. It's a fun thing to do with new
companions. Everyone has photo albums of their family and friends, and we
get to know each other a little better that way.

So Sister Chibataka is the only member in her family. Her Dad died when she
was 12, and her mom doesn't really support her much out here. She hasn't
heard from anyone from home in over three months.. She's very strong and
optimistic, and just loves to laugh and make others laugh. 
She doesn't like candy, American food doesn't sit well with her body, haha.

She's an amazing example to me, and I'm forever

I love you Mom, and can't wait to see your face on Christmas! Hope you have
a great week.

Love Teirs

Week 17 - "..and she wringed the dew out of the fleece" Judges 6:36-40

Hi ya'll!
Not much to report this week.. We're still getting to know the new area. Did I mention it's huge?? We do a lot of driving.. which is kind of a bummer and gets old quick.

It's been my favorite kind of weather :) Lot's of rainy misty days. It's stayed in the 40's, but with the moisture in the air it's BITTER cold. We have to bundle up in coats, scarves and gloves before we leave the house…most days I look like Randy from A Christmas Story. Today is one of those days.

We were able to go to the Temple last Tuesday.. a much needed renewal of strength, love and peace. Lately I've been praying for a fleece.. I know I have a testimony of this Gospel. But sometimes it feels like we just say
the same things over and over, praying someone will listen, and the words start to lose their meaning. It makes me doubt sometimes that I really know the words I'm saying are true. I had this in my heart as I sat in the
temple, and the scripture reference "Moroni 10" came into my mind. I was able to read the whole chapter there in the safety of the House of the Lord, and receive that fleece I'd been praying and searching for. The thing
is, God rarely hands us the things we ask for.. more often he shows us the tools we need to create or find it ourselves.

 Moroni 10:
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, havingfaith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

 5 *And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things*.

31 And awake, and arise from the dust, O Jerusalem; yea, and put on thy beautiful garments, O daughter of Zion; and strengthen thy stakes and enlarge thy borders forever, that thou mayest no more be confounded, thatthe covenants of the Eternal Father which he hath made unto thee, O house of Israel, may be fulfilled. I know my Heavenly Father was reminding me that it is by searching it out for ourselves, having faith, and seeking to have the Holy Ghost with us at all times, that the truth of all things can be reviled to us. I'll pair this with one of my other favorites.

2 Nephi 31:
19 And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

 20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
I love the scriptures.. I invite everyone to read Moroni 10 this week, and pay special attention to what it says about gifts. Each of us have been given gifts from our Father in Heaven! None of them is greater or less than
another. "..every good gift cometh of Christ."

Funny story. The first week we were in our new apartment, we came home one night and our front door was open and our bedroom light was on!! We were a bit freaked out.. The apartment is small, so it would have been pretty apparent if someone was still in there. We didn't feel like there was, but grabbed knives and pans and cleared each room one by one just to be sure. This sounds like a bad idea in hind sight, but whatev. Nothing was missing... It's quite possible one of us left a light on, and someone didn't shut the door all the way on the way out. But none of us could remember even using the front door. We didn't sleep very well that night.
Luckily we inherited two hockey sticks from the old apartment, which now serve as weapons.

Brother Fox came over the next day and installed deadbolts :)

Well, I love you guys, and hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Xoxo Sister Smith

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 16 - Sister Smith's First Mission Transfer! Welcome to Corinth, Mississippi!! Read Acts 18:8!!!

Welcome to Corinth, Mississippi!!

Ok so we don't actually live in Corinth.. We live in Selmer, Tennessee. Our new area covers 8 counties and 32 towns across both MI and TN. Quite a change from little ol' Red Bay!! I LOVE it. Saying goodbye to the Bay was way hard.. but it's a blessing I didn't know anything different before serving there. Haha!
I will miss the people I was privileged to get to know while there. I have always felt that I find a little bit of myself in every city I visit.. being a lover of travel. But now I feel there is an added sweetness to exploring, and that is that we find a little bit more of our family in every city we visit. God truly can help us see everyone the way he does, as his sons and daughters. It's a beautiful thing.
Miss Ivylina
This is most of the wonderful Kelly family. They are members, but the four little ones up front are Sister Kelly's nieces and nephews who have come to live with them, and are not members. We've been teaching them for the past month. They are the sweetest kids in the world, and you can just see the light in their eyes when they tell you all they know about Jesus. I love them.

I wish I could show you everyone!

This is our tripanionship!! Sister Nielsen (Bountiful, Utah), me, and Sister Chibataka (Uganda). Sister Chibataka is one of the funniest people I have ever met. I haven't laughed this much in months. She was baptized 4 years ago, and has such a strong beautiful testimony. Her and Sister Nielsen are powerhouses, and I feel so blessed to be working with them. Corinth is the main city in our area, and we found a perfect scripture for this transfers theme. Acts 18:8 "..and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized." 

Oh I survived my first tornado by the way!! Just a few days before transfers a huge storm came up from Mississippi through NW Alabama. Everyone in town had warned us, knowing that we didn't have access to the news.

We were back at our trailer early that night anyway, due to the fact that I was *deathly ill*. So we were celebrating my 12 week graduation from the missionary training program...
(Sister Nielsen made me a certificate and a hat and everything! Hahaha) 

...when we got a call from the Williams telling us that there was a *category 4* tornado headed straight for Red Bay, and to get to their house asap.

Sister Nielsen played it cool, got some stuff together, and had our 72hr kit in hand within minutes.. I on the other hand was a bit delirious with fever, and just started grabbing stuff and shoving it into my pillow case and side bag, not knowing how long we should plan to be in shelter, or what would be essential to have should the rest of our belongings be taken up
into a death funnel, never to be seen again. By the time we made it to the car I had my scriptures, a flashlight, my family pictures, 4 jackets, 7 hair elastics around my wrists, a whistle 
around my neck (the one from moms *hilarious* car backing safety package), and a king size reeses to share…Nailed it.

Just before we left we said a prayer and asked that, if it were possible, the tornado go around us.

So we go outside in the pouring rain, all the tornado alarms are going off, the neighbors farm animals are losing their minds, our phone is blowing up with the ZL's and STL's warning us of the impending doom headed our way, and we get a call from one of our Church of Christ friends wondering why we weren't at bible study yet... I was like DO YOU KNOW THERE'S A CATEGORY 4 TORNADO HEADED FOR YOUR HOUSE MA'AM?? My goodness...honestly.

We make it to the Williams with about 20 minutes to spare according to the tornado expert guy giving updates on the weather channel. So we're all just kind of pacing around. Bishop and his wife offer Sister Nielsen and I food. She ate. I sat in a pale-faced cold sweat, and typed a final goodbye text up, should I feel the need to send it to my family once we got hit...(hahahaha)

When the tornado was about 2 minutes from the city limits we took position in the hall. The plan was to sit in this little alcove in the center of the home, with a mattress propped over us, and lock arms. (They didn't tell us until after that Bishop and Sister Williams had planned to be the weight on top of the mattress that would cover the rest of us.. bless them.) 

So here we are. the four Williams children, Sister Nielsen, and me and my puke bucket all huddled together, while Bishop and his wife watch the radar screen. Their youngest son is hilarious, and reminds me of little miss Jib Jab (Olivia) so much. He was just jabbering away about the most random things, the rest of them listening to Sister Nielsen tell a story about her first tornado, meanwhile I'm listening for the sounds of destruction outside.

We stayed this way for about ten minutes, before Bishop came and announced there would be no destruction, and to come look at what had just happen on the radar screen! You can replay the updates, so we watched it a few times. There was a huge supercell with a hook on it (indication of a tornado) headed straight for us, but as it approached the city of Red Bay it completely dissipates, and reappears on the other side of us..* It was so crazy*!!

I got the chills...this time not from the fever ;)

Anyway…we stayed there for a couple more hours. The alarms went off a few more times as tornadoes touched down here and there in the county, but no big threats after that. Bishop told us he had seen that happen before, and wasn't too surprised. Sister Williams was a little less sure of that, and said it had been 5 years since they'd had a real scare. In 2011 a tornado destroyed a town called Phill Cambell about 35 miles away.

Ok, so I may have dramatized the story a bit.. but I was sick, and had already had an 
emotional week, and it's my story so I'll tell it how I want to ;) Moral is, I believe in the power of prayer, and am so grateful to the Williams for their care of us. Heavenly Father truly is in control of everything, even when I feels there is destruction all around us. Bad

things can and will happen, but no matter what, if we live worthy and focus our lives on the Savior, "...all things shall work together for your good." D&C 105:40

I love you guys so much! Be sure to check out the Christmas Initiative on mormon.org! It's a 2-3 min video about how Christ is the Light of the World, and is such a beautiful way to start our Christmas celebrations.

John 8:12 "*I* am the light of the world." Matthew 5:14 "*Ye* are the light
of the world."

Love Sister Smith

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 15 - Too Many Changes at Once...

Hello again,

We spent Thanksgiving day with the Williams (my Red Bay family), which was so great! Lot's of southern food mixed in with the usual turkey day tradition. Fried okra and green tomatoes were my favorites.

We were just about to leave the feast at Jane and John's house, when I got the call no missionary wants. It was President Sainsbury asking that I call my dad. I knew why, having just received news of Grandpa Smith's cancer diagnosis the week before.. It takes just an instant for your heart and mind to travel 1,800 miles away from where your body is.. but a lot longer to get them back. I love my Grandpa, of course. I consider all of my grandparents some of my closest friends, and I know how lucky I am to be able to say so. It was a blessing to be able to talk to Dad for a while, and receive reassurance that everyone would be ok. As an adult, you expect to be there for your parents when they lost their parents. 

I wrote grandpa the day I found out about the cancer, and talked about some of my favorites memories of him singing. I was relieved to hear he received my letter a few days before he passed. In my mind, I could see his smiling tear-streaked face from three months ago, at my farewell. He tried several times to tell me how well I did, or how proud he was, but couldn't quite get the words out, so he'd just hug me and smile. I know this is where he'd want me to be, and am so grateful for the comfort it brings.

Late Thanksgiving night, we decided to take rice-crispy treat turkey's to some of our investigators, and the members who have been so good to us. We stopped at the house of one of my favorite old men in this town, Mr. Grims. He was so happy to see us, and thought we were the sweetest girls for making a lonely old man a rice-crispy treat turkey. He's a tall booming man with white hair, and loves music as much as I do, so the conversation usually turns to guitar and banjo playing. Just before we left he told us he loved us, and I could feel my throat get tight as I thought of my Grandpa. Suddenly Mr. Grims asked if I'd ever heard of this old gospel song (I can't remember the name of it..). When I said I hadn't, he started singing it to us right there on his front porch. His strong deep voice was beautiful, and I will never forget the feeling of peace that enveloped me.

I know with all my heart that the Plan of Salvation is real, and that even in this life we can receive small glimpses of eternity. Families are central to our Father's plan for our happiness, which is why he has given us a ways to be linked together forever.

Transfer calls came with a sting. There aren't enough Sisters coming to the mission this transfer to make up for all the ones leaving. As a result, two Sister areas have to be closed, and Red Bay is one of them :( I'm heartbroken! The Russellville Elders, who live 40 mins away, are going to do their best to work with the investigators we're leaving behind. I do know that these people are just as important to the Lord as they are to us. I know they will be taken care of. It's just really hard.

Sister Nielsen and I are staying together, and being moved to the Corinth, Mississippi area, but our apartment is in Selmer, Tennessee. Corinth has been closed for a couple week, which means we are closing one area (Red Bay), and opening another. Oh, AND we are gaining another companion, Sister Chibataka from Uganda :) So we'll be in a trio. Due to complications with the old missionary apartment in this area, we will also be moving into a new apartment, which won't be available to us until Dec 1st. Long story short, we don't have our new address yet.. I will get that to ya'll asap. I think we'll be able to email it the day we move, hopefully Friday. 

The last four days have brought a lot of changes and hard news, both from home and in the ABM. I'm praying harder than I ever have, and know it'll all be ok.

Love you all so much,
Sister Smith 


91 Deer Trail Cove
Selmer, TN 38375

Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18

Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.  So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...