Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 6 - Fireflies and FireANTS...They are DIFFERENT creatures!!

Hello my dear ones!!

First off, fireflies are the most beautiful magical insects on the earth
and I love them with all my heart. All of them are Ray from Princess and
the Frog to me.

I am so thankful for the opportunity we have to write home.. but for some
reason it's a really traumatic experience for me every Monday, haha!! I
have a really hard time expressing myself, and knowing what to include in
the short time we get! I wish so bad I could just tell you every bit of the
good stuff. I'm having major writer's block out here, both in letters and
journaling. BUT I'm praying for help, and am determined not to get lost in
anxiety today, haha. I LOVE hearing from you all though, so please don't

We got to go to the temple on Thursday, which was so great and so needed :)
It's TINY and sweet. I love being there. No matter the temple, it always
feels like home to me. I love what President Sainsbury said about our trip:

"As I sat in the Celestial Room, I looked at the beautiful center
chandelier with all of its sparkling crystals glittering all colors of the
rainbow. When they clean the chandelier, they don’t do it all at once.
Rather, they lower the chandelier and take off each crystal one at a time.
They clean each crystal and then polish it and then put it back on. It
takes three people working all day for several days before they are done
and can raise the chandelier back up. In my mind’s eye, the chandelier
represents our ABM mission. We are each a unique crystal. The Savior,
through the atonement, takes us down and cleans us regularly and then He
polishes us, and puts us back to work. Like the cleaners, He does this one
by one. Each of us is individually cleaned and polished by the Savior
through His atonement. We are regularly cleaned each week as we repent,
strive to be obedient, and partake of the Sacrament. We are polished
through adversity, challenges, and trials. But after we are cleaned and
polished by the Savior, and put back to work, all of us together make a
beautiful chandelier. One crystal by itself, as beautiful as it is, doesn’t
shine as brightly as when we are shining together as a mission, as an ABM
family. But the chandelier is only truly beautiful when there is light
shining from within. That light is the Savior. He makes us sparkle. He
helps us shine. He lights the way. I don’t know that I have seen many
things more beautiful than the chandelier in the Alabama Birmingham Temple.
But that just might be because I can’t think of any thing more beautiful
than the missionaries I am privileged to work with in the Alabama
Birmingham Mission. The chandelier lit the room up. It sparkled like
diamonds. It felt so clean and pure. As I looked at it, I saw all of you
representing Christ, doing your best, trying to fulfill your purpose,
lighting the way for Heavenly Father’s children to return to him again in
everlasting glory."

We tract for at least 2 hrs every day, in a heat that can only be described
with curse words, so I'll spare you. I think I sent you a picture of my
enthusiastic sweat face last week? I basically look like a nightmare at all
times :) super awesome. Most everyone we talk to either looks really
concerned, or really grossed out. Laughter is our medicine, and TOAST is
our motto:
T hrive
O n
A wkward
S ituations
T (awkward extra T...)

The cute little ladies
in the last email are part of the Lowrey Family, which was baptized Saturday. We didn't teach them, but they are so sweet. We were able to help with their baptism, and have become good friends with them at church.

So we were out tracting yesterday and Sister Baird was telling a story. We
were about to walk past this house and I could not take my eyes off of it!
I'm still super timid though, and have a really hard time recognizing the
spirit. Luckily Sister Baird noticed that I'd shut up for once, and looked
to see where my eyes were. She asked if I felt like we needed to knock on
that door, and of course I just said uhhhhh I don't know, haha. She said we
better (bless her), so we walked towards the house. Before we could even
get on the porch a women walked out (mid/late twenties) to have a smoke :)
she was super sweet, one of the first things I noticed was this beautiful
tattoo on her forearm of a compass with the moon phases around it. It says
"with each new moon comes a new beginning." I told her how much I loved her
tattoo, and we introduced ourselves. She invited us in and told us a little
bit about herself. As we sat there getting to know one another a calm and
loving spirit filled her front room. It was like we'd always been friends!
She told us of some of her beliefs, and times in her life when she knew God
helped her. She was told very young that she'd never be able to have
children, so it came as a big surprise when her and her husband found out
they were expecting just three months into their new life together! Her
little girl is now one years old, and life has gotten really busy. They
don't have a ton of family really close, and both work full time. Tears
started falling down her face as she talked about her internal wrestle with
direction in school/career/motherhood. Of the need she knows they have to
come closer to God and Jesus Christ, but the inability to get there, or
know how to make it all work. We were able to testify to her of God
awareness of what she's been going through, and His love for her. Of how
proud He was of the mother and wife she'd become, and her desire to bring
her family closer to Him. She was so astonished of the timing of our
arrival, and said she would talk to her husband about meeting with us. Last
night before bed we received a text inviting us over Wednesday morning for
a discussion with all three of them! My heart was so full. These kind of
tender mercies seem few and far between at times, but they are so worth the
blood SWEAT and tears when they come ;)

Red Bay is still killin' it. I saw my first possum! It was super dead.. but
a possum none the less. There is a frog stuck to our bumper (fried to a
crisp) that I now consider our mascot. OH! Right before we went into the
temple, I stepped in a FIREANT hill, and they attacked like David taking
out Goliath. I am now covered in several blistered bites. 

We went on a "hike" last Monday through a birding trail! The trail was like a tunnel 

through the forest, which I loved. 

The neighbors rooster is our alarm clock most mornings, and there are mushrooms growing out of the floor next to our
shower (awesome).

I love you all so much more than I can say! Please know you are in my
prayers always.

Xoxo, Sister Smith 

Oh and I held chickens! They're kinda

The grandma and granddaughter are the Investigators we helped move a few weeks ago! They are both so kind and sweet as well. We got the Grandma to come watch Women's Conference with us. She has a lot of faith, and I think she know's the Gospel is true, she just really wants a sure witness. We love her and hope she can receive one.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Week 5....."So Sweaty, but So Great"!!!

It's been a great week! So sweaty..

but so great. 

I am literally out of time to write. I'll try to journal some experiences from this week and write them next week or something.

We knocked on this door the other day and two collage age girls answered.

After talking to them a bit the older sister said they recently moved into
town and had actually been praying to know which church to go to! So
awesome. They came to church yesterday (of course sacrament happen to go
over 30 minutes! by the end they decided not to stay for the rest of the
meetings). But they seem genuinely interested, and are just the sweetest
girls ever. I really think they may get baptized eventually.

Only send stuff to the mission home if you're afraid it will get stolen! I feel like I'm in a safe area though, so don't worry too much.

Otherwise just send everything to the address I sent you, or else I won't get it for
weeks, maybe months. And don't use Dear Elder anymore, that was only for
the MTC, so I won't get anything sent there anymore. I haven't received any
packages or letters, but we have a temple trip Thursday, so if anything was
sent to the mission home I MIGHT get it then. Hopefully.

The email situation is really frustrating, and I'm extremely short on time

I'm so glad Morg is making friends and enjoying high school so far! Haha
Liv cracks me up, that's so awesome. Is she liking her class this year?
Tell her to email me and send me pics of her and Chuck! I want to know
about this Fizz Friday, sounds awesome.

Going to try to get a group email sent real quick. I love you! Leaves are
changing a bit here, but it's not like home.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 4 - Welcome to Red Bay, Alabama Ya'll!

Easily the craziest place I've ever

been.. Let alone lived!

We straight up live in a trailer ya'll... it's nuts. Apparently our area is
the only one in the whole mission with a trailer.. not sure how I got so
lucky. Haha!

Alright.. My first area is right on the boarder of Alabama and Mississippi!
So I've now spent time in both states! WOW.. How can I even describe Red
Bay.. It's a bit like Panguitch. Only way more hillbilly. We're the first
sisters ALLOWED in the area. It was opened up to missionaries 2 years ago,
and has only had Elders before us. We're "white washing," which
basically means we're going in blind. Usually one missionary will stay in
an area on transfer day, and another will replace the one who left. White
washing is when they take both missionaries out and put two in who have
never been there. The Elders who left say we're "pink washing"... get it?
Sister Baird told me the Lord and President Sainsbury must really trust me
to have Red Bay as my first area.. she says she's never seen anything like
it hahaha (she's almost done with her 18 months).

THE TRAILER: Oh my heck you guys. I'm dead serious when I say hillbilly
style. I'll try to send the video I took of the walk through. The shower is
in the hallway, and the shower head is about neck level. Have you seen Elf?
The part where Buddy is in the elf shower.. That's me every morning. And
I'm short! I have no idea how the Elders used it. There are worms coming
out of the walls, and make-shift pipe weapons under our beds hahahaha. I'm
not sure if that is more comforting or terrifying. Hopefully there will
never be a need to use them.. jk Mom, I promise I feel safe! ;)

 Everyone in Red Bay is kind. Even when you can tell they don't want you
around. There are all kinds of folks here, all mixed together. It's way
cool and very different from anything I've ever experienced. Everything
about it is classic. From the big beautiful southern homes with columns and
porches, to the next door neighbors trailer, with a washer out front and
all their laundry hanging on a line between trees.

My companion/trainer's name is Sister Baird. She's 26 from Idaho, and
basically everyone's favorite sister from what I've heard! She's
very sweet, and enthusiastic.

~As a side note, Sister Baird is a very good friend of our long time neighbor and friend, Bree Arnold!! Bree came over to our house tonight, and shared with us the email she had received today from Sister Baird, about our Sister Smith!! IT was SO AWESOME!! Teirsa is in very fantastic hands, as was confirmed by our dear Bree! We already love Sister Baird!

First birthday on the mission was great! :) Sister Baird is awesome. She
sang happy birthday to me while I was in the shower (which is in the hall
between our kitchen and sitting room, no doors) and had hung up happy
birthday signs by the time I got out of the shower, with "25 reasons why
you're the best" notes hung by my desk. So grateful for Sister Baird! ALSO
we got to see Elder Renlund (of the twelve) speak in our stake conference
on my birthday! So cool. One of my favorite things he said was "You cannot
describe anything about us (like why we don't drink or smoke, or why we
have temples) without eventually going back to the Restoration of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and First Vision of Joseph Smith." It was a great
meeting, and after he shook every single persons hand. Wow... such a tender
moment. The members who gave us a ride to the conference set up a picnic
for us after (sweet older couple), and one of the branches in the stake let
us join them at the park. Everyone sang to me :) it was a very sweet day.

We had the opportunity to help one of our investigators move on Saturday,
and it was an experience I'll never forget. There are a lot of broken homes
here, and a lot of children being raised by their grandparents, or some
other relative. (often because the parents are too involved with drugs).
Angie is helping to raise her granddaughters, Liz who lives with her, and
Olivia who lives with her dad in Mississippi (only about 30 minutes away
from us). Ya'll have to understand that Alabama and Mississippi are two of
the poorest states in the US. It's more beautiful here than I can even
describe, but many of the people here have lived very hard lives. Angie
lost both her mother and husband earlier this year, and is now having to
move out of the small house they were renting. She wants to stay close
enough that her granddaughter doesn't have to switch schools. They have
very little, and what they do have likely hasn't been "new" in a very long
time. But when it's all you have, it's hard to let go. She owns a trailer
deep in the sticks of Mississippi, which she was allowing an
acquaintance to use. They disappeared a few months ago, and had left the
trailer in such a mess that by the time Angie went to check on them it
had been completely taken over by maggots. It's the only place she has to
store her possessions while she's in limbo, so that's where we took
everything she owns. You guys I can't describe the scene without getting
choked up, nor is it necessary. What I do want to tell you about is a
moment we had while there. We had just finished unloading everything, and
were standing outside surrounded by piles of junk and the smell of rotting.
Most of the south is thick forest, so there are always tons of bugs (all of
which have wings by the way. even things that shouldn't have wings do..
super exciting). Anyway there was this one particular butterfly that kept
swirling around all of us, occasionally landing on trash here and there.
The youngest girl, Liz, and I had been watching it while we drank our
water. (Angie told Sister Baird and I that when Liz found out we were going
to help them move she cried because she was so embarrassed that we would
see the state of the trailer they used to live in. She's only 13 years
old). Anyway, Liz looks at the butterfly and says something like "Wow, I
have never seen anything so beautiful!" I didn't look at Sister Baird in
that moment because I was afraid we'd both start crying.. but later when we
were alone again we couldn't help but talk about how even there in that
aweful place filled with darkness and heartache, Liz chose to see "the most
beautiful thing she had ever seen."

I am in awe of the beauty I am surrounded by, and I'm not just talking
about the sea of green I get to call home for the next 18 months. I'm
talking about the most beautiful, humble, kind souls I have ever met. I
have so much to learn from these people.

I love you all so much!! Can't tell you how thankful I was to hear from
ya'll, please know that I want to write everyone, and will do my best!
Computer time is limited, but being able to read your letters and emails
makes the world of difference out here!

Talk to you again soon :)
Sister Smith

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week 3 - Realizations (A little out of Order!)

Hi Mom!

So glad you're enjoying the news ;) and that love is still surrounding you.
We really have the best neighborhood family. I think about and pray for
Morg and Liv daily!! Give them both a big hug for me. I worry about Morg,
make sure she knows I say it's ok to relax every now and then.. big sisters
orders. Haha Liv is just one of a kind isn't she?? Ah I love them so much.

We've been singing in the MTC Choir, and had an awesome practice the other
night. The choir director (who sounds like George Clooney) had us singing
"Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still" and told us the story of the song
which made me think of dad. It's about a vision Heber C. Kimball had, the
same night Joseph received the plates, of a Heavenly Army marching across
the sky. When he met Joseph later, and knew that it was the Lord's army
sent to aid Joseph, as he was about to start that journey we all know so
well, and yet not at all. You can read about it in the book Life of Heber
C. Kimball (if you haven't already.. which I'm sure dad has).

You know how I am.. I have no idea what a good birthday idea is, I'm sorry!
There isn't much time to think about that stuff here. But that might change
once I get where I'm going. I'll definitely be looking into some soft
fabric shoes once I reach Bama. I don't know how I could have prepared
better, but the leather just keeps all the moisture in, and I have a large
permanent bump on my left pinky toe now from it rubbing the bone wrong.. so

Us four sisters are doing much better emotionally I think.. But we now know
just about everyone there is worth knowing here hahaha ;D. The MTC
President and his Wife are our close friends, our District Pres, our Branch
Pres and his Wife.. Three counselors, one random Mandarin speaking District
Pres, some ushers.. Basically, if you haven't had the Sisters from room 207
(us) crying in your office, then you're not getting the most out of your
MTC experience. OH AND we are now on the security teams radar, because our
Branch Pres stopped Sister Cardon and I one night after class (we were on
splits because our companions were sick, and back at the room already) just
to check up and see how we were doing.. we were in a meeting with him until
10:45 (past curfew), but figured no big deal. Well the three of us walked
out to find the other two Sisters standing with like three security
officers, who were talking on walkie talkies about "where the last place
was the two missing Sisters swiped their key card badges..." HAHAHAHA!!
Super exciting. All was well when they saw we were with President Metcalf,
(which made my heart laugh ever so slightly).

YES I should get a chance to call you Tues (6th) morning from the airport
before the flight!! It will probably be between 5-6:30AM, will you still be
on the lake??? We leave the MTC at 3:30AM at our flight is at 7:30 (pretty
sure). We have a layover in Atlanta, not sure exactly what time we arrive
in Alabama, but I'm hoping they'll let me email you to let you know we've
made it safe!

Tell Mase I have a new phrase for him.. So one of the Elders in my district
was telling us all about how much his future girlfriends parents love him
and he said "Oh, they think I'm the coolest piece of cheese in the
fridge!..." HAHA What?? Who says that!! Made me miss my Bro.

Just a thought, I seriously understood for the first time the other day
what the Book of Mormon really was, and what it contained (I'm a slow
learner). It hit me pretty hard, and I realized that I was able to gain a
testimony of the book before I even understood what the words said. By
acting in faith and doing what I had been taught (read and pray) MIRACLES
took place in my life, and it didn't matter that I hadn't yet understood
what I was reading. That is the power of the Book of Mormon in our lives.

I love you so much,
More to come, gotta grab lunch before it's gone.

Week 3 - Bonus!!

Hi mom! Yes, Our district's P day is Tuesday while here in the MTC, but

Sister Cardon (we're on splits because both our companion's are sick) and I
got permission to write home about some things we need.. I was going to ask
you to send more no show socks, and maybe some treats??? Wintergreen
lifesaver mints would be awesome (we can't have gum), and just whatever
kind of treats you think would be good :) you always have the good stuff. I
think you get it from Grandma Lamb haha. No worries if you can't get
anything sent, I'm not dying or anything ;) and I can make what socks I
have work if necessary. Can't stay long. So our district is STRUGGLING
hahaha. An Elder "escaped" the other night, for a few hours and basically
just wondered the streets of Provo for a bit, borrowed a couple's cell
phone to call his parents (and probably girlfriend), but all his dad said
was stop being a baby haha. I guess all the elder's were freaking out and
looking for him for a few hours, and woke up everyone in the dorms hahaha.
I wish I could have seen it.
 Anyway.. I've enjoyed the fall air, especially this morning, we
didn't have to get ready until later today so we all ate breakfast outside
in our sweats and hoodies for companion study. I love getting the Dear
Elders from you mid week just so you know, write me any time because it
feels great to get some happy words in between p days.

I'll be able to write more Tuesday

Love you so much
Love Teirs

One more thing! So Pres Metcalf gave me permission to use the computers to
listen to music and watch talks and what not, because it was much needed
and has helped a ton the past few days. Anyway I came across a Pioneer Day
concert with MOTAB and The King's Singers from earlier this year.. SO GOOD.
Definitely look it up on One of the first songs they sing is Loch
Lomond (one of my favs). Totally made me feel at home, at least for a bit.
You know me.. I need a little Celtic spirit every now and then to keep me

Another sweet thing.. We go to the temple every Tuesday morning here, and
last Tuesday one of Levi's great aunts from Scotland (maybe Ireland) was
working at the name desk! She has the sweetest accent, and is just full of
love. We recognized each other and eventually made the connection. Her name
is Christine Lynch.  She gave he a huge hug, and I saw her again this
morning. She told me some very sweet things and hugged me twice before
wishing me a happy mission and telling me she knows how loved I am..
definitely a sweet mercy.

I need everyone's birthdays and emails mom! I can't believe I forgot to get
a list before I left.. Could you maybe get a few for me? Of course our
immediate family's.. maybe Laurie Ridges, Lindsay's, Jacquie Jones, Stefani
James.. I'll think of more.

Love you so so much

She Made It!! - Alabama, Sister Smith is in YOUR HOUSE!

This email was greatfully (finally!!) received Wednesday evening September 8th.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Alabama Birmingham Mission

Sister Teirsa Alynn Smith has safely arrived in the
Alabama Birmingham Mission!

We are impressed with your daughter and want to thank you for all that you have done in preparing this wonderful young woman for her mission.  She met her new companion and traveled to her first area.

Attached are photos of Sister Smith, one with President and Sister Sainsbury and one with her Trainer, Sister Baird.  She will bless this mission greatly with her enthusiasm and dedication. We love her and pledge our best efforts in directing her service here.

Sister Smith has accepted a call that will change her life and the lives of those with whom she is serving.  These first few months will be full of new and challenging experiences, and your support in the form of encouraging and uplifting letters will help her greatly.
Our greatest hope is that each missionary has a positive and growing experience, which will help give them a foundation for a lifetime of service to others. We appreciate the time you have spent raising your daughter to be such a responsible young woman.  We thank you for your willingness to share Sister Smith with us.
President and Sister Stanford C. Sainsbury

Dear Parents,

We have 27 new missionaries to add to the Alabama Birmingham Mission.


Sister Julia B. Tuck

Mission Secretary

Alabama Birmington Mission

Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18

Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.  So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...