Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week 14 - Pumpkin kisses and Harvest wishes.. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Hope you all enjoy your holiday, and find lots to be thankful for! We'll be spending the day with Bishop's wonderful family (his parents included), and are so grateful. We've been told to expect lots of delicious southern thanksgiving food. Speaking of, ever seen a turkey-vulture?? I thought they were a mythical southern creature. But they're REAL. Saw my first one while driving in the back country, to the town of Vina (population:356). They're terrifying angels of death. Google it. Hoping they're not going to be on the menu..

Transfers are coming up.. We'll find out Saturday what our fate is for the next six weeks. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for honestly! I'm not sure how much longer I can stay sane in the Bay.. But I also know I will be devastated to leave the people I've grown to love so much. The members here really are like family now, and there are a few investigators it seems impossible to leave!

We met a guy named Wayne the other day.. funniest guy I've ever met. I think he's about 56, and has the craziest stories. He says "the good Lord has saved his life more times than he deserves." One of my favorite stories is when he got too drunk at a motorcycle club, and kissed his buddies girlfriend. He says 9 bikers drug him out of the bar, and he was pretty sure that was the end. But "Queen B" (biker chick) came bustin' out and told them he was with her, and that they better not kill him. Haha! And then he finished simply with, "I drink every day." He says he knows he's got a lot of changing to do, but when he gets to heaven he hopes Jesus will al least let him be "the wheel greaser." (for Jesus' chariot)... Wayne used to build motorcycles. Oh man, he's crazy, but has such a good heart. I love him. A few days later we went to visit Ivelina, a sweet old women we've been teaching about the Book of Mormon. She's seriously the sweetest lady on the planet. We walk in her front room, and there is Wayne sitting on the couch!! He about spit his tobacco out. Ivelina is his mother! Bless her.. I just love them both so much.

Another funny kid we met is 10 yr old Skyland.. We were standing outside one of our investigators apartments trying to have a discussion with her about the peace that comes from reading the scriptures. She's in high school, and has had a hard week with rude kids. Anyway, all of the sudden this little red headed kid comes around the corner carrying a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew, and some uncooked noodles to munch on. He joins our conversation for a bit and suddenly says "stay right here!"...He leaves for a few minutes and this is the next thing we see:

​Him toting a DEAR HEAD in a tiny red wagon.. DAhahah! We lost it. He proceeded to make several trips to his apartment, each time returning with the skull of something dead. At one point 15 yr old Carry (investigator) told Skyland he better stay away from smoking, drinking, and doing drugs, and he says "Aw man I don't need none of that stuff. All I want is a chopper and a jacked up truck!" 

God bless the South. I love these people so much. Most of them come from very hard living, and I hope so badly they can see how GOOD they are. How much Heavenly Father loves them and is aware of them.

We had a really great stake conference. A lot of the messages were about living the Gospel whole heartedly. How important it is to have the blessings that come from having both feet in. I feel that this is a universal principal. Whether it be living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, missionary work, career/school/passions. There is power that comes from giving it our all. And especially in keeping God a part of the equation. Have I already shared this pic with you? Sister Baird showed this to me, and I love it!:

Sister Sainsbury spoke at the conference, and at one point had all the missionaries in the meeting stand. There were about 30 of us in that stake. She said these are some of Helaman's army.. they are here to help. They want to get to know you, and work with you in finding those the Lord has prepared. It was a really powerful moment. I'm so grateful to be among these people. I love this work, even when I hate it.

I love you all so much more than I can say. So THANKFUL for all I've been blessed with.

Love Sister Smith


Ford Family!!

I GOT THE PACKAGE!! Oh my heck, that photo album was the best thing ever!!
Thank you so much for putting that together for me! I love it. The selfies
are hilarious, and the cookies were delicious. It was so good to hear a
little bit from everyone.

I think my favorite scriptures right now are Alma 30:44 (not the whole
thing) "...All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all‍
things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the
planets‍ which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme
Creator." and of course John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free." From my farewell talk.. Which of those do you
think is best?

I'm the one that is thankful Mom! I'm so thankful for your example, and you
and Dad's support through SO much.. including this mission. Even after all
I've put you guys through. I am always looking for strength out here from
what you and Dad have taught me. I'm so glad you still love the pillow. The
moon and stars have been beautiful out here lately, and I always find
comfort in thinking that my family are all under the same stars at the same

I love you all so much!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 13 - Tupelo, Mississippi.. Home of Elvis Presley


We had a pretty great week. Here's a few of the highlights in no particular order.

This is someone's front yard... The South is so random.

My bike is finally put together and working! We took it to a hipster bike shop in Florence called The Spinning Spoke, where a guy named Eero did a complete tune up. We got to ride this week, which was a super nice change of pace. So glad it's finally coolng down now that my bike is working!.. total coincidence I swear ;)

Ew, so we knocked a door this week, and I looked down to see what was crawling on my feet. Sister Nielsen and I were COVERED in FLEAS.. I started freaking out obviously, and knocked our bikes over trying to get out of there. There aren't any sidewalks in Alabama, so we trudge through a lot of sketchy stuff.

We met the coolest 13 year old boy named Preston. We'd originally talked to his older brother about the Book of Mormon, but he referred us to Preston, who he said would be more interested. Preston lives with his mom and two older brothers, and has never really had religious influence in his life. His older brother told us that Preston had recently learned about the Bible, and downloaded an app on his phone and started reading it by himself. One night we decided to take Preston his own copy of the Bible and Book of Mormon, and had a really cool discussion with him. This kid is like a 13 year old Nephi! I love him so much. He just told us that he feels happy when he reads  the Bible, so he started taking himself to the church down the street every Sunday and Wednesday night too. I told him that he reminded me of one of my favorite scripture heros because of his influence on his older brothers, and determination to come closer to God, no matter what anyone else said. He was all smiles, and was so excited to start reading about Nephi. We'll see him again tomorrow.

We had exchanges this week, which means I finally got to leave Red Bay for a while.. PRAISE THE LORD, as they say here in the South. We did service at an event called Week of the Family, with a bunch of other missionaries in the Tupelo South Zone. There were a bunch of free activities for families, including blow up bounce houses and slides. Sister's Gondawe, Cullimore, and Abney and I manned the snow cone machine.

Left to right: Sisters Abney, Bullimore, Gondawe, (Can’t remember), ME, and Grant.

Every Friday morning we volunteer at a thrift store/museum run by the Bishop's mom. Her name is Jane, and her and her husband are two of my favorite people in The Bay. They aren't members, but Bishop says they have really opened up since having missionaries in town. The dad LOVES talking to the Sisters ;) he's a very funny guy. Anyway, the museum is dedicated to Red Bay's railroad history (You'd love it dad!) and Tammy Wynette, who was born in Red Bay. You guys know how much I love old stuff..

Favorite part of the week was our Zone activity yesterday! (before we found out the internet in town was out, and I wouldn't be able to email my fam). We went on a much needed hike!! So pretty.. pictures will be attached. I miss my mountains!!

Love you guys

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 12 - Not for the faint of heart..

Hi all!

Hope this finds everyone I love enjoying the start of the most precious
time of year! I'm SO excited for this season. It'll be a year ago this month that I
started the journey of discovering the truthfulness of the Gospel. This has
always been my favorite time of year, but now there is an added sweetness.
It represents new starts, new understanding, and the greatest gift of all.

Wow, I'm not sure how to express what's in my mind right now, but I'll try.

Every single day I realize just how little I really know, haha! The South
is not for the faint of heart.. or testimony. If it weren't for the
experiences I'm able to look back on and draw strength from, my small and
simple testimony would have been ripped to shreds by now. Never in my life
have I had to fight harder to hold on to truth than I did this week. There
is so much confusion among all the Christian denominations here.. And a lot
of strong opposition to truth and light. Mom sent me a really cool wooden
postcard last week that read "Let your faith be stronger than your fear." I
now understand what those words mean! I've learned that every question we
may have about the doctrine can be answered through the scriptures, and by
the witness of the Holy Ghost. We just have to stay calm long enough to
search it out for ourselves.

If I'm being honest, which is the only way I know how to be, honestly. I'd
tell you that if it weren't for the blessing of having the fullness of the
Gospel, there's no way I'd be Christian.. Most of the people I talk to here
have no concept of Revelation through the Holy Ghost. They don't believe
you can trust your own feelings. Hello!! Pretty sure we weren't created to
be mindless beings who follow Jesus' example out of fear of ending up in
hell. Fear seems to be the driving force behind those who do practice
Christianity here. It's really weird to me, and doesn't make sense. If fear
were the only thing keeping me on the straight and narrow, I'd of abandoned
the heaven bound ship a long time ago. I'm too stubborn to be driven by
fear. There is so much MORE to know! So much more love to understand. Dad
has always told me that it's much better to be moving towards something
than to be running away from something. In simple terms, that is the
essence of the Gospel.

Ok wow, this might be the most disorganized email I've ever sent. So sorry,
I know you aren't getting any of the back story to these thoughts.

Linda the Librarian is about to kick us out again. She's a real treat.

I love you all so much.

Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18

Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.  So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...