Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week 57 - Oh, what a beautiful day for a baptism!

Hey ya'll!

Just another day in Alabama the beautiful! This morning I woke up to a cockroach the size of a small rodent in my bathroom, snooping through my things...

Great news!! Sister Begay and I are together for a third transfer!! WHOOO!!
We jumped up and down and screamed like little girls when we finally got
that call.
Wheeler has decided to fly home to AZ in October to get baptized there. He
offered to fly us out for it! I was down.. but Sister Begay said no. We're
sad we will have to miss it, but so excited that he will be surrounded by
friends and family who support his decision! And he'll come back to the
great friends he's already made in our little branch family. He's so

We had a branch lake activity on Saturday, which would have been super fun
if we were allowed in the water! But we had some investigators come, so it
was worth the 6 hours of sweating and watching everyone else party. Oh, and
we got to see a baptism in Lake Lurleen! This cute family next to us was
singing and praising and baptizing all over the place. It was sweet to see
them all so happy. I can imagine the joy they'll feel the day they dress in
white, and are baptized by the Priesthood authority of God 😊💙

We're getting ready for the Gladys Knight and Saints Unified Voices Devotional, October 6th. It's going to be way cool.. So far we have about 9 non-members coming, who we are praying will have a powerful spiritual experience. All the ward members and missionaries have been praying and fasting about this for months. We know there are people in Alabama the Lord has been preparing for this event!

I LOVED Women's Conference. Especially Sharon L. Eubank's talk very first. WOW.

Sharon L. Eubank:
Prior to the second coming of the Savior the good women of the world will
be drawn to the Church. They will be heroines. 1. Be righteous 2. Be
articulate 3. Be different 4. Be distinct 5. Be happy and optimistic.

Neil F. Marriott:
We need to continually deepen our relationship with and knowledge of
Heavenly Father. We need to love when loving is most difficult. We do so by
reaching for the help of the Savior. Simple love, honestly expressed, heals

Joy D. Jones:
Worth and worthiness are not the same. Even the most inferior person on the
earth at this time is worth WORLDS.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:
You are in His hands, and they are very good hands. Nothing anyone thinks
or says about you can trump what God *has said* about you. We are
responsible for our own discipleship, regardless of others. We will love
our enemies, overcome anger and hate, and minister even to those who
persecute us. You cannot allow circumstances to make you sad or mad, choose
to be glad.

Well I love you guys!
Have a good week. General Conference is an amazing time to receive peace
and answers to prayer. Take some time to watch and listen to the Prophet
and Apostles of God this weekend.

Xoxo Love Sister Smith

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 56 - Twenty Six and one week old...


Woah, it feels like I have so much to catch up on, since we didn't get to write last week! We didn't end up seeing any crazy weather from the tropical storms. Some heavy rain, but way less wind than was anticipated! We were blessed.

It did make for an exciting birthday! Sort of... we had to stay in our apartments until we received an "all clear" call from the Zone Leaders the next day. Luckily we live in the same apartment complex as the Hermanas, so we spent the evening eating pizza and playing checkers by candlelight. Oh!
And Tegan and Annie, two of my best friends out here, brought by some delicious cinnamon rolls and pound cakes from a local bakery to celebrate! It ended up being a very happy birthday. 😊

Tegan and Annie were both baptized over the summer! They are so adorable, and have become really great freinds. It's been fun for Sister Begay and I to see them grow so much in the gospel together. They had really similar conversions! It's kind of funny, because Sister Begay and I are basically
the same person (seriously, it's freaky. We even have twin opal rings), and so are Tegan and Annie. The four of us laugh, play, and fight like sisters. It's the funniest thing ever. Turds.

Brent, Annie, Sis. Begay, Me, Tegan, Wheeler​

OOOHHH guess what! We've been teaching this guy named Wheeler for about three weeks.. and he's getting BAPTIZED September 30th. WOOOO!! He's so awesome! He's from AZ, and has a lot of LDS friends who introduced him to the Gospel there. He's a quarterback for UA! (If you don't understand how cool this is then I don't even know what to tell you. It's kind of the biggest news in the history of the ABM.) When he moved here for school, he reached out to the missionaries (Sister Begay and I) so he could really learn for himself. One of the things that drew him to the Gospel is the
change he's felt in himself since learning about it. He's said his language has cleaned up, and he just feels good. I can tell he's got a powerful spirit, and understands more about himself as a son of God. He reads the Book of Mormon every night, despite his busy school and football schedule. He comes to church for all three hours in between football workouts. His drive and dedication inspires me. It's been such a sweet experience teaching him!

So a couple weeks ago Sister Begay and I had the most amazing experience at a Winn-Dixie out in the middle of no where. Remember the story about the Native American guy named Michael? Ok well ever since then we've been trying to meet up with him, but nothing has worked out. He doesn't have a phone right now, so we've been relying on e-mail, which has meant a lot of running to and from computers around campus, and just missing him. If that makes sense? Anyway, kind of a frustrating mess.

Well the mission recently acquired a Family History tent, which we scheduled to use last Thursday. We set it up down by the river, and about ten minutes after we got set up, Michael walked up to us out of no where! He was just as surprised to see us! His wife had randomly suggested they each lunch down by the river that day (for the first time) and had found a table 30 ft. from where we set up.
MIRACLES! We were able to sit with them for an hour, and teach the Restoration while they ate. Wow, it was such a cool and powerful discussion. They both have Native roots (Choctaw), as does Sister Begay (Navajo). We were able to testify of the promises of the Book of Mormon being fulfilled to them in our day. 

We couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day! The Family History tent was a huge success. We just picked a spot, and the Lord set up so many divine appointments! We met another woman who stopped to talk to us about family history, who had actually met with missionaries almost 20 years before in Illinois! She told us how she has been worried lately about finding a church to raise her grandchildren in, where no matter what happen to them, they would grow knowing that God loves them. We told her God is listening to her prayers, and she felt it.

Well.. we were supposed to get our transfer calls Saturday night. Apparently there's some crazy stuff happening, because we still don't have our news! President keeps postponing the announcements. Sister Begay is about to lose her mind.. haha! Everyone's freaking out.. except for me. I'm medicated 😉 WOO! Most likely I'll be staying and Sister Begay will be transferred. Which kills us both. We would rather serve the rest of our missions together in Tuscaloosa YSA.

I might have broken my left ring finger playing football on Saturday... Sister Begay refuses to take me to the doctor because she says I'm a wimp.

Saturday was fun! We helped park cars for the game (fundraiser for the YSA branch). Anyway, we were tossing a football in the down time, and you know how coordinated I am..

Someone offered us free tickets to the game... it might have been Satan himself. We had to use them! We contacted everyone who was sober, and stayed just long enough to get some pics 👍 It was WILD. That stadium is AMAZING! It was light sitting in the clouds..

Well I love ya'll!
Hope you have an amazing week.
Xoxo Sister Smith

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week 55 - "Pray for the wonderful people of Alabama..." Hurricane Irma's on it's way!


Thank you so much for the Birthday emails!! ❤😁💙💚😄

I love you guys so much, and am sorry I'm responding with a group email *
for now*.
I hope each of you know how much you mean to me individually.
It meant the world to me to hear from you!

Unfortunately, everything in town in closed because of the hurricanes, so
we're having a hard time finding a place to email. There's about 10 of us
that are trying to use the 2 church computers available. Hopefully we'll
figure something out, but for now I just wanted to let you know I'm having
a great p-day/26th birthday!! TWENTY SIX. What the crap.

Sister Begay got me the cutest bike charm necklace.. because we've earned
it! I'll wear that thing like a medallion once we've out peddle Irma and
Jose. Tonight we'll be watching the Elder Bednar YSA broadcast at the
branch president's house with all our YSA homies, so that'll be fun!

We have been told to get a case of water and stay in doors until the storm
passes. Tornadoes are our biggest threat. We'll be on exchanges in Bessemer
tomorrow thru Wednesday, but we will play it super safe. Thank you so much
for your prayers for all of the South! We are praying with you for Florida
and everyone in the storms path.

Ok I gotta jet, just know we are safe, healthy, happy, and sending my love
to each of you!
Love Sister T Smith
aka Granny Smith

Hi again, 😉

We finally found some public computers on campus, but just got a text from
the AP's saying everyone is to return to their apartments within the hour,
and stay there for the rest of the evening.

Here's all the information we have so far from President:

As hurricane Irma approaches, the current forecast is that its path will
continue upward through Georgia and Alabama. The storm has been downgraded
from a Category 5 Hurricane to a Category 1 Hurricane. By the time it
reaches our mission, it won't be a hurricane but it will be a tropical
storm with possible high winds and heavy rains. It is expected to reach our
mission sometime Monday night. We are asking all of our missionaries to be
sure and have a case of bottled water both in their car and in their
apartment. We are also asking all of the missionaries to keep their gas
tanks above half full. As the storm approaches, the biggest problem will
probably be electrical outages as trees fall on power lines and it may be a
few days for power to be restored. Be prepared to live without electricity
for a few days. Also, we need to watch for flooding, debris on the roads,
and downed electrical lines. Depending on the severity, it may be best as
the storm strikes that we stay at home in our apartments until the storm
has passed and it is safe to be back on the roads. Different parts of the
mission will be affected differently. When the storm is over, we will
assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

If there are any problems, keep in contact with your District Leaders and
Zone Leaders and let them know that you are doing fine. If there are any
serious problems, please call me.

We hope and pray that all will be safe and secure. We may have
opportunities, once the storm is over, to give service to many in need. But
we are not to leave our apartments until we have been given permission to
do so.
Tuesday/Wednesday interviews may be affected but we will let you know.

As long as we missionaries are wise and follow the counsel given, we will
be in the Lord's protection.

Pray for the wonderful people of Alabama that they will be safe, as well as
all of those caught up in the storm. Pray that the elements will be
tempered and that lives will be spared.

In conclusion, I don't want any of you to be overly worried. This will
probably just be a bad rain storm. But we want to do our part and be
prepared. We want to be examples of self reliance and independence.

Thanks for all you do! Keep smiling and keep inviting!

Love President Sainsbury

Not sure if he's sent info out to our families, just thought I'd let you
know what we know for now!☺

We're about to head home. I love you guys with ma whole heart! Thanks again
for making my birthday bright, despite the craziness.

Love Teirs

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 54 - Wild World


We're way short on time today, because we went to the Birmingham Zoo for a zone activity. Super fun! It was blazing hot though.. and now it torrential downpours, haha. Make up your mind AL.


Some highlights from our week:

Played some fine guitar with tons of strangers! Aw, I love it! Random opportunities just kept coming up. I'm not complaining 😊 

There's this one guy named Keith who we keep running into around town. I'm not sure if he has a home or not, but he's a super nice guy, with tons of fascinating life stories. We always enjoy talking to him. Anyway, we were contacting at the river walk Saturday morning, when we stopped to talk to this young man who plays and sings there on the weekends. He's still in high school, and is trying to work on coming out of his shell by performing at the river walk. Nice kid! He let me play his guitar for a bit while he collected his tips before leaving. Out of nowhere Keith's voice goes "YOU PLAY GUITAR, SMITH??!" Turns out Keith plays there sometimes too! He invited us to come play and sing cowboy hymns with him. Cool thing is, Keith has tons of friends that are investigating the church right now. Looking at him, you can tell he's lived a hard life. He's gruff, but has a good heart and kind soul. I can see how Heavenly Father is helping break down Keith's walls, by these little encounters we have with him, and through his friends. Every time we see him he mentions how glad he is for his friends who have been served by members of the church. He talks about how happy his one friend is ever since she made Mormon friends, haha. So sweet.

We had to leave our bikes on the strip over night the other night, and someone stole my fancy hat off my bike. My thrift store sun hat is no more. Sad.

Football season has officially begun!! ROLL TIDE ROLL! We had companion study at the Wyatts house while everyone else was over to watch the game... we snuck an occasional glance at the screen ;) just enough to see two of our favorite investigators on the field! 

Transfer calls will be the 16th. I'm sad to think Sister Begay and I's time together may be dwindling quickly. I would serve the rest of my mission with her! I would serve the rest of my mission in the Tuscaloosa YSA! I've learned so much about how God uses youth who live the gospel to the best of their abilities to spread the gospel. I can see how he is preparing the next generation of strong leaders. Every day I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to experience the Spirit in His divine work. 

Oh, we had one of the most incredible experiences of my mission the other night! Long story short, after a series of random events that led us to a Winn-Dixie in the middle of nowhere, we met a Native American man named Michael, and had a really powerful first discussion with him in the middle of the produce section. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon being a record of his ancestors receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the personal ministry of Christ among them. He told us that he had heard stories from other tribes of a Great White Buffalo, or Spirit, visiting them anciently. I wish I had time (and words) to express the feeling between the three of us. At the end, Michael was so touched by the message that he took the necklace he was wearing off and handed it to Sister Begay. He told us that he had made it not too long ago, and wanted us to have it. He talked about knowing that some of the hard things he had been experiencing were about to get better. We are going to try to meet with him on campus between classes.

Well I love you guys! Everyone stay safe and have a great week.

Love Sister Smith

Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18

Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.  So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...