Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 54 - Wild World


We're way short on time today, because we went to the Birmingham Zoo for a zone activity. Super fun! It was blazing hot though.. and now it torrential downpours, haha. Make up your mind AL.


Some highlights from our week:

Played some fine guitar with tons of strangers! Aw, I love it! Random opportunities just kept coming up. I'm not complaining ðŸ˜Š 

There's this one guy named Keith who we keep running into around town. I'm not sure if he has a home or not, but he's a super nice guy, with tons of fascinating life stories. We always enjoy talking to him. Anyway, we were contacting at the river walk Saturday morning, when we stopped to talk to this young man who plays and sings there on the weekends. He's still in high school, and is trying to work on coming out of his shell by performing at the river walk. Nice kid! He let me play his guitar for a bit while he collected his tips before leaving. Out of nowhere Keith's voice goes "YOU PLAY GUITAR, SMITH??!" Turns out Keith plays there sometimes too! He invited us to come play and sing cowboy hymns with him. Cool thing is, Keith has tons of friends that are investigating the church right now. Looking at him, you can tell he's lived a hard life. He's gruff, but has a good heart and kind soul. I can see how Heavenly Father is helping break down Keith's walls, by these little encounters we have with him, and through his friends. Every time we see him he mentions how glad he is for his friends who have been served by members of the church. He talks about how happy his one friend is ever since she made Mormon friends, haha. So sweet.

We had to leave our bikes on the strip over night the other night, and someone stole my fancy hat off my bike. My thrift store sun hat is no more. Sad.

Football season has officially begun!! ROLL TIDE ROLL! We had companion study at the Wyatts house while everyone else was over to watch the game... we snuck an occasional glance at the screen ;) just enough to see two of our favorite investigators on the field! 

Transfer calls will be the 16th. I'm sad to think Sister Begay and I's time together may be dwindling quickly. I would serve the rest of my mission with her! I would serve the rest of my mission in the Tuscaloosa YSA! I've learned so much about how God uses youth who live the gospel to the best of their abilities to spread the gospel. I can see how he is preparing the next generation of strong leaders. Every day I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to experience the Spirit in His divine work. 

Oh, we had one of the most incredible experiences of my mission the other night! Long story short, after a series of random events that led us to a Winn-Dixie in the middle of nowhere, we met a Native American man named Michael, and had a really powerful first discussion with him in the middle of the produce section. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon being a record of his ancestors receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the personal ministry of Christ among them. He told us that he had heard stories from other tribes of a Great White Buffalo, or Spirit, visiting them anciently. I wish I had time (and words) to express the feeling between the three of us. At the end, Michael was so touched by the message that he took the necklace he was wearing off and handed it to Sister Begay. He told us that he had made it not too long ago, and wanted us to have it. He talked about knowing that some of the hard things he had been experiencing were about to get better. We are going to try to meet with him on campus between classes.

Well I love you guys! Everyone stay safe and have a great week.

Love Sister Smith

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