We had a zone activity today, so we have basically no time to email, but I think I'll be able to send something out tomorrow.
Today was way fun, we played a bunch of "minute to win it" games, and then climbed the spider net slide thing and played ultimate frisbee. I love my ABM people. I love all my Alabama people.
Cole's baptism went so well!! He was so happy all day.
There was a huge bon fire on campus this week, made me miss having fires and watching movies with my fam at home.
Man, hopefully we can write a little more tomorow!
I love you guys so much.
Love Teirs
Alright we have a hot minute today, I can catch up from the last couple weeks.
So back to the Gladys Knight and Saints Unified Voices devotional:https://www.saintsunifiedvoice
Sister Begay and I got to be on a "special team" of 12 missionaries (us and ten Elders.. haha) who were to be the "face of the church" in this event. We had a special meeting with Kenya, Gladys Knight's daughter (the woman talking at the beginning of the video), and another man who heads these events.. I can't remember his name. Hours before the first show we were given instruction and got to hear their testimonies of how the Lord has used these devotionals to do his work. Gladys and the SUV choir work under the direction of Elder Ballard. It was a really sweet way to start the night.
These things are huge productions, and there's a ton of work that goes into it. It's all extremely organized, with the stage crew starting in the early morning to transform the chapel. Our team had to be there hours before the first show to put together gift bags and receive instruction on the referral cards that people would fill out and turn in to us after the devotionals. In the pictures I send last week you see another team of missionaries who worked till about 1:30am after the devotionals, entering referral information into computers.
The team we were on was to greet and direct guests, making them feel welcome and comfortable so that they could feel the spirit of the testimonies they would hear in word and song. We provided each person with a program which contained a referral card that they could fill out after the show, to have missionaries deliver a gift bag to their home, containing a sample CD of Gladys and the SUV choir's music, a Restoration DVD, and a Book of Mormon. Those referrals became the fruit of many miracles that took place leading up to the event, preparing people to receive the message of the restored gospel. Much like our sweet Turner family I wrote about.
Watch the video at this link too.. these are some of the incredible people we got to work with!
https://www.saintsunifiedvoice s.com/music
Watch the video at this link too.. these are some of the incredible people we got to work with!
Ok so one of my favorite miracles we experienced during this event is about Keith and Ollie.
You remember my friend Keith, who I wrote about playing guitar with a few weeks ago? He had a friend he always talked to us about who had been "so happy ever since she made Mormon friends." That friend of his in named Ollie, and she's in a wheelchair. The senior couple in Demopolis have been taking her to church with them, and helping the Sister missionaries teach her about the gospel for months. Keith has been so touched by their care for his friend, and it has really helped break down his walls. Anyway, we invited Keith to come to the devotional, but he wasn't able to make it.
During the first show, I was standing in the foyer doorway watching this older white woman in a wheelchair and her black young man caregiver smiling, clapping and swaying to the beautiful gospel music. It was such a sweet scene, everyone all mixed together. All different races, religious and cultural backgrounds enjoying the spirit on unity in the Lords chapel. It brought tears to my eyes! This woman in the wheelchair had such a sweet smile that lit up her eyes. You could see how happy she was to be there with everyone. She reminded me so much of my Grandma Ford, who passed away years ago.
A while later that caregiver approached me and asked if I could direct them to the restroom. I offered to take her myself, and as I wheeled her to and from the restroom we chatted about how much she was enjoying the music, and listening to Gladys speak about being united in the love of the Savior. When we got back to her spot, I sat next to her in the young man's empty chair while he stepped outside for some air. I put my arm around her, and we listened and swayed together. Every once in a while when the notes of the choir raised chills on our arms she's lean over and comment on how beautiful it all was. I'm not sure the extent of her disabilities, but her hands shook, making it impossible for her to write anymore. While the music was still going, she reached down for her referral card, and motioned for me to take it and write in her information for her. I was happy to, and asked what name to write. I could hardly contain myself when she told me her name was Ollie.
After the show I walked Ollie and her young friend out, and I told her who I was and that I knew Keith. Her face lit up with that same light and love I felt, and she told me she knew exactly who I was! She just clapped and said "OOOHHHhh how wonderful!!" and put her arms around my neck like we'd been friends much longer than the hour we'd spent together. She told me that Keith had told her all about our guitar playing, and that she wished he would have been able to make it to the devotional.. Oh it was such a sweet thing.
I know that the Lord directs every little tiny bit of this work. My heart swells with love every time I think of Ollie's face, and how much He cares for her. There is not a single person, young or old, happy or sad, kind or mean, healthy or frail, that God is not aware of. That Christ did not suffer for.
There have been countless miracles ever since that night. We've had amazing lessons with all those in our area whom we've been able to deliver gift bags to.
I knew I've love the people I'd serve out here in Alabama.. but I didn't understand how deep and full that love could be. I didn't know that the missionaries I serve with would become my family, and that some of them my spirit would recognize from a time before this life. I didn't realize how much my love for my family and friends back home would grow, despite the distance and time between us. I can feel just a tiny bit of the love my God has for all, as my love for my people grows and stretches from West to South and back again.
Well... Sister Begay's bike got stolen a couple weeks ago, and then she crashed the rental the mission office gave her to use. It's was kind of a bloody mess, but she's all good now. I was on the first aid, and had her cleaned up in no time
I've had two flat tires in one week.. but that's taken care of now too... We're either a dynamic duo or a hot mess.. you decide.
I love you guys past the moon.
Love Sister Smith
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