Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 49 - Cool Lights and Civil Rights


We're super short on time, because we had a zone activity today.. but it was totally worth it!

We went to the Civil Right Museum in downtown Birmingham. Wow, definitely something to see if you ever get a chance. Such a heartbreaking and incredible time in history. I'm so grateful to be serving in a place where so many historical miracles have taken place.
The mission used to take missionaries to the museum their first day in Birmingham, so they could understand the history of the people they were serving. It's a humbling and eye opening experience. 
In the pictures you'll see a wall dedicated to 6 black children who lost their lives in the 1963 bombing of the 1st Baptist Church in Birmingham. I taught a woman in Hoover who lived and worked a block from the church at that time. She used to tell me stories of how terrible it was. The museum is right across the street from the church, which was rebuilt. It's hard to imagine living during those times. 

We went and played water balloon sports at a park after, and got soaked! So much fun, and such a relief from the heat. 

I love serving in a bike area! It allows for impromptu photo shoots ;) There are so many cool things in the city, hence the crazy colored light pics.

It was a great week ☺
 Last night we taught the coolest lesson down by the river walk. 
We almost didn't make it down there, because Sister Begay fell into a River we stopped to take "impromptu" pictures of.. ha! Long story..
But we made it! And it's a good thing.

We met this guy named Taylor, who is our age and has a really similar past to both of us. We were able to connect with him on a lot of levels. It felt so good to be able to testify that the personal beliefs and experiences we had in common can and do agree with the knowledge we have in the restored gospel.
We talked with him for about 45 minutes, and it was one of those powerful moments where the spirit testifies that the Lord's hand is in this mission work. Right people, right place, right time. 
He was super receptive, and there was just that feeling of completely being directed, ya know? He felt it too, just PEACE and a knowing that we were all there at the right time, and there was a reason for it.
The second was a guy our age as well, who was reading a book about Jesus, by himself on the river on a Sunday night. Such a cool thing to see other people our age on a personal search for truth. We struck up conversation with ease, and told him why we are here. He was impressed to have met missionaries while he was reading a book about Christ.

We left with both men's numbers, and plan to meet each of them again soon. 
It was a beautiful night, just at sun set on the river.

I love serving here in the YSA. I'm so grateful to finally feel like what I have to offer is being used as a tool in the Lord's hand. I've wanted this feeling my whole mission. 

I love working with Sister Begay, and have learned so much from her. I need her calm, and her insights as well. She is a powerful teacher, with a perfect balance of love and boldness. I appreciate her maturity so much.

We gotta run! I love you all!
Love Teirs

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