Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 52 - Solar Eclipse - ONE YEAR MARK!

Hey all ya'll,
Hope everyone's enjoying the last week of summer! We had a pretty good week, nothing too cray. Oh except I got stung by a bee. Rude.

Also, why is this a thing?? DISGUSTING 
Campus is absolutely beautiful.

Well.. then there's this. #fratlife SMH

We got to spend some time with two really cool women. One is a recent convert in the YSA named Taylor, who has decided to serve a mission! It's so cool, she was trying to figure out how to make it work with school, work, boyfriend, etc. The Lord literally just took care of everything this week, and now she has nothing in her way. The details are crazy intricate.. you know how it goes. But I love seeing Him work in our lives. Especially when it comes to His missionary work. Whether full time missionaries or member missionaries, when we have a desire to serve He works miracles in our lives to help us.
The other girl is named Annalee. She was less active about a year ago, when Sister Begay met her at the start of her mission. Her and Sister Baird (Sis. Begay and I were both trained by Sis Baird!!❤) helped to reactive Annalee, and now a year later she has chosen to serve a mission as well! Annalee literally doesn't stop smiling when she talks about how different her life is now compared to a year ago. I can totally relate. She knows how precious every soul is in the sight of God now. She wants so bad to give this gift to others, who "know not where to find it." D&C123:12
Oh I hit my 1 YEAR mark!!!!! What the?? So crazy! Sister Begay made me German pancakes.. my fav!

Ok so I have this idea in my head right now, but I'm not sure how to get it out in one cohesive piece, haha. I'll do my best.

Isn't it cool that the sun symbolizes Celestial life? I was thinking about this today, as we watched the Solar Eclipse from the church parking lot. It was such a sweet and beautiful thing to see! But I was grateful for my classy cardboard glasses, without which It would have been too painful and damaging to watch. In our present human state, we can't handle the glory of the sun.

In order to live in the presence of God and Jesus Christ we must be changed into Celestial beings. Otherwise we would not be able to bear it.
That process of being changed is different for everyone, and that's what this life is all about. The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible for each of us to overcome the different challenges we have, and use our experiences to become our best selves. 

Think about being invited to a reunion of all the people you love dearly. Your closest friends and family. A party of sorts. You get there, and realize all the people you love are there, but they look different. There's just something about them. They look more "them" than they ever have. Pure and stunning happiness radiates off of them. While you, on the other hand, look like you've been sleeping in the woods for months, and almost forgot about the party. You show up all disheveled, and covered in dirt. Normally the dirt wouldn't bother you.. you'd become accustomed to the smell of earth and sweat. It was comforting once.. but here. Everyone has been washed clean. The Host spots you, and a bright warm tear-filled smile stretches across His face as he makes His way toward you. Arms open to engulf you in comprehensible love. Remembering the mud on your hands, you take a step back and frantically look around for something to wipe them on. Holding them in front of you as if to say, "wait, you can't... I'm not clean." His eyes crinkle at the edges. "You know I can make you clean.." He waits expectantly, longing in his eyes. You think about how uncomfortable it was the last time you tried to get the dirt out from under your finger nails. The sting of the water, as it washes over calloused skin. You feel hopeless that you could ever truly be as whole as when you left Him last.. But you know that is the only way you'd be comfortable staying at the party. You want to be there.

Would you allow The Savior to help you become clean? The road to self discovery can be very painful but it is also purifying. 

I believe that after we pass from this life, we will remember how much we loved Heavenly Father and our Savior, regardless of how well we knew them while we were on earth. Probably others of our brothers and sisters as well!
I hope somewhere in there the spirit can help you understand what I am trying to say. 
I just want you to know how grateful I am for my Savior. Without Him, I would be hopeless. I do believe that even the darkest and deepest cracks can be healed. And I know that no matter how daunting the process appears, it will always be worth it.

I testify that we are led by living prophets, seers and revelators of God. That is true. Christ visits us in His temples with peace and strength. He visits his anointed in the temples, to instruct them on how to help us prepare for that time when He will come again to reign.
I love you guys! 
Love Teirs

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