Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Seasons Changing

Hey ya'll!
My favorite sign in Tuscaloosa ;) Thanks for the dress Mom!
Hmm.. I wish I had something great to say, but honestly it was a pretty rough week! Hhaa.

We had this crazy situation with an investigator, who wasn't really an investigator. This guy reached out to us via phone to learn more about the church. He had this whole elaborate story, and we ended up teaching him quite a bit over the course of three days. Well, our phone stopped working all of the sudden mid week, so we barrowed the Hermanas phone for our 4th lesson with this guy. When we started typing in his number, it came up as a saved contact in their phone. Same last name, different first name. Long story short, we found out that this guy calls different missionaries every few months and comes up with a new story, and totally puts on this act (like tears and everything) while we teach him the Restored Gospel. 
Ugh. So horrible. 

Here's the cool thing about this. We had interviews this week, and during our time with Sister Saisbury she trained us on some technology that our mission is expected to receive soon. During the training she shared Elder Boyd K. Packer's quote: "you will not make a major mistake without first being warned by the promptings of the Spirit."

Like I mentioned, our phone had stopped working. We had several messages we needed to check, but couldn't get to them because the touch screen went out. Which is why we had to borrow the Hermanas phone for our appointment with this guy. It's honestly a good thing he didn't answer this time, because in the mean time we had discovered his fraud. That would not have been a pretty conversation. 
Well, once we had been "warned" our phone started working again!! Haha.. just long enough for us to check the messages we needed to!

It was pretty amazing. I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father's love and care for us. He knows how much of ourselves we put into loving and teaching people about the Gospel. He was not going to let this guy and his ill-intentions take up any more of our time. I know the spirit is with us in this work. We couldn't do it without Him!
We needed a little retail therapy after our disappointment. We bought this puzzle I've had my eye on in one of the boutiques downtown, and did the whole thing that night. Livin' on the wild side ya'll. 
Nothing a little Oscar Wilde can't fix.
It seems like everything is changing too fast now! The leaves, the students, the YSA branch. 

President and Sister Sally (Branch pres.) announced yesterday that they will be moving back to UT. I'll miss them! They've become family over these past (almost) 6 months. The students all seem to be super busy with the end of the semester coming up, and everyone going home for the Holidays. The changing of the season seems to be bringing in the last chapter of my mission. 

We had a sweet lesson with some of Sis. Tunuufi's relatives, the Lavatai's. They are the sweetest people ever. They moved here from Hawaii about 5 years ago. Brother Lavatai is the only one not baptized. We have a feeling that is why Sister T is here for her last transfer. The Lavatai's have a daughter out on a mission, and they really want to be sealed as a family when she gets home. We're going to see what we can do to help them prepare, and help Brother Lavatai make the changes he needs in order to enter the waters of baptism. Oh, I love this sweet family. Brother Lavatai has a beautiful Samoan accent, but is a pretty reserved guy. He doesn't speak too much. We were taking a picture with them, and Elder Johnson was like "I don't want to be in it, pictures make me look old." And all of the sudden we hear Brother Lavatai pipe in "You ARE old..." Hahaha, we were all dying. 
Polynesians are the most loving and humble people I've ever met. And they LOVE to laugh. I love their beautiful culture! Back when the SUV choir was here, Sis. B and I found ourselves backstage listening to a group of Polynesian men singing some traditional Samoan songs, and it was so incredible. Music truly is a gift of the spirit. 
Well I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!! I love you and am so thankful for the gift of laughter and happiness we find in our families and friends.

Love Sister Smith

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