Monday, October 31, 2016
Week 11 - Happy Halloweeeen!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Week 10 - Witch... I mean "Thrash" doctor!
New transfer = new beginnings. "Lighten up" is my new motto.
A tidbit for you that I've learned about the South:
"Rollin" is when a group of kids and/or adults sneakily trash your yard,
by covering it and all your trees in toilet paper. It's a sign of affection, and means someone in the community thinks your family is swell.
Ex: high school football team and parents will go "rollin" at the house of
a teammate, who now has broken ribs because they took a massive hit in the
last play, that led to a win.
This is known in Utah/Idaho as toilet-papering, and is usually an act of
ill-will done by complete strangers, or punk kids.
Sister Baird and I saw all these houses COVERED in toilet paper last week.
And I mean covered.. these people are pro. We of course thought it was
terrible, and being the good missionaries we are decided to see it as a
service opportunity. It wasn't until a week later, when someone explained
the situation to Sister Nielsen and I, that I understood why we got so many
angry stares while we did our best to clean up everyone's yard.
Oh! And while we're on the subject.. Our 80 year old landlord, who I love,
told us this week that she is, in fact, a "Thrash doctor." When I said I'd
never heard of thrash, she explained that it's a yeast infection of the mouth, that can only be cured by a thrash doctor. I asked what the difference was between a thrash doc and a normal doc. She looked at me, a little insulted, and explained that being a thrash doctor was a very special gift that not anyone could obtain. To be a Trash Doctor, one must be the *seventh
daughter of the seventh daughter *(her case), or have never met your father due to him *dying* before you were born. 😑
The Librarian is about to kick us out.. I will try to be more spiritual
next week. Good things are happening!
I love you all so much
About your package: OH MY HECK I ALMOST PEED MY PANTS. Hahahaha!! Sister
Baird and I lost it! UPS came just before we headed to the library, so we
put it to use immediately :D (see pic). Best thing ever.. thanks for the
laugh fam, ya'll are goons. Couldn't be more grateful for the reminder of
where I come from ;)
We sent Sister Smith a little "Halloween Costume" you could say, to help her "embrace" at least one of the mission rules!! Hahaha ;D!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Week 9 - 1st Transfers in the Mission Field - I'm staying in Red Bay! My companion is going home!
Hello again!
So transfers are this week, which means I say goodbye to Sister Baird TOMORROW 😥. She'll be stepping off the plane back in Idaho at this time on Wednesday! So excited for her.. so bummed for me. We've been packing her missionary life up (and eating ice cream) all weekend. BUT we found out my new companion will be Sister Nielsen! I've never met her, but Sister Baird says she's amazing and super kind. Looks like Red Bay's got me for another 6 weeks!
Ok, we were eating lunch yesterday at a member's house after church. (which is super kind of them to cook for us, and I'm totally grateful..). This family has all the missionaries in our ward over for lunch most Sunday's, because they live close to the church. There are two sets of Sisters and one set of Elders in our ward, because the ward boundaries are crazy big (because we are literally in the middle the backwoods). It takes 30 minutes to drive from the Bay to cizilization (where the rest of the missionaries get to live) ANYWAY, we're sitting there, and I feel something tickly on top of my head. Just as I reach up to swat at, what I hoped was one of the thirty flied buzzing in the window behind me, a quarter sized SPIDER parachutes off the top of my forehead, down between my eyes, and onto my dinner plate.. I was stunned just long enough for it to scamper across my potatoes, over my arm, and make a b-line for the cornbread, before Sister Mathis snapped me out of my horror, and trapped the spidy under the cornbread plate, where it remained for the rest of the meal. All the while our member family just keeps on the usual conversation about this and that like it "ain't no thang." ...This is my life now.
As you may know, it's been a bit of a struggle for me so far. I know it'll all be ok though, thanks to incredible and inspired parents, and the best family and friends. I love you all so much. One thing I've learned this week is that Heavenly Father is there, ALWAYS. Even when it doesn't feel like it. When we are so down we can't feel anything, he goes to the people closest to us and starts working on them. Giving them the inspiration they need to come help us.
The people here do not understand what we are saying most of the time.. they don't get that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is different from what they already know. We aren't here to convert people to Christianity! Why in the world would Heavenly Father send missionaries to the South, if it were the same message they already know.. Everyone is Christian here (aside from one Hindu we met last week). It gets super annoying. But Sister Baird and I were discussing and studying last night, and I had some comforting thoughts I wrote down:
John 15:16 "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you..." It's not about what my choice and expectation was in serving a mission.. "Remember that He called you. Through your thoughts and desires, the Savior of the world called you, as you were, to preach his Gospel to his people. And to grow and become as you were always meant to be. Try not to get discouraged when things don't go the way you hoped or thought they would. He chose you. This is not about your success, it is His. It's about people accepting Him, not us."
I truly want to help people.. because I know this message is true! I would not have drug my butt all the way to Alabama, to talk to random strangers about Jesus Christ, if I didn't know with all my heart that He is our Savior. And that the Gospel he established when he came to earth has been restored. The only reason I know this as fact is because I tried and tested it! Otherwise I'd still be sitting around, thinking it was weird that everyone put so much of their souls into a "nice story about a good man." He is our brother and best friend, He has a body of flesh and bone, and he came to earth to teach us the Plan of Happiness. That plan was restored to us through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." I know the Book of Mormon is one of those fruits. I know that it is by applying the principals taught and revealed to us in these Latter-Days, that we come to know for ourselves the truthfulness of this Gospel. NO ONE else can convince us of that. It was always meant to be between us and The Lord, through the gift and witness of the Holy Ghost.
I am not here to convince, I am here to invite, and there is so much peace in that. I would love so much to be able to witness the process of someone coming to know their Savior, and understand how loved they are, and recognize the Holy Ghost for the first time. But even if that never happens while I'm here, it is comforting to know that this is His work. He is aware of every person I will ever come in contact with, and He knows where they are at in their journey.
Thanks for letting me ramble a bit. I love you all so much!
Xoxo Sister Teirsa Smith
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Week 8 (Skipped 7:)) - The Primary Package was so Sweet!!
I'm glad you have questions actually, it gives me more of an idea of what's
important to write about ;) Oh my heck, I was DYING reading your letter
about Charley!!!! Hahahaha are you kidding me??? That little punk! Not only
was the story hilarious.. but I can't believe you wrote me a 6 page letter,
of which 5 pages were dedicated only to Charles. I read the whole thing to
Sister Baird and we were both just crying we were laughing so hard. Haha! I love you mom. Sister Baird really hopes she gets to meet you someday.
The Primary package was so sweet!! Tell Liv I have read her note about 20
times because it makes me so happy. I laughed so hard at the part about you
always being on the computer... haha! Leave it to Liv to just tell it like
it is ;) She's the coolest. Ah I love you Louie!! Hearing from my sisters
definitely gives the encouragement I need (daily). Kaylee's note was also
so sweet. And tell grandma Lamb I love the bracelet! So awesome, I love the
"fisher's of men" message. Do you have her email address? I'm also working
on getting a letter to her asap, I finally got her birthday Card!! Tell her
thank you so much for the card and cash! It was so great to hear from my
grandma, even if it was a month later (dang Mission office). Tell her she
paid for lunch today, and it's been the best P day yet.
I GOT MY BIRTHDAY PACKAGES!! Yay!! I'm so happy!
I LOVE the clothes, thank you so much everyone! They fit perfectly, and totally made my whole month. The scarf is adorable! Wow, I felt so spoiled, seriously I love everything!
Please tell Kathi I got her package too, and cried a little when I saw the
wintergreen mints ;) #blessed. Thanks Kath! (what's their address?? I need
to send them a note) I've read Sally and Jeremy's letters about 20 times
too (they gave me before I left), especially in the MTC. Love them so much!
Oh! And I finally got the last Dear Elder you sent me mom, haha. It was the
best thing ever actually, I totally needed to hear from you, so I'm kinda
glad it was detained for a bit.
Ok so:
1) I am really great today! Monday's stress me out most of the time, as
I've explained before. But I'm trying really hard to just take it easy and
not worry if I can't get everything out perfectly. I won't lie, missionlife just isn't easy at all, haha. I feel down way more than I'd like to,
and way more than I thought I would. BUT it's not all the time, so I'm
trying to just remember I'm still adjusting and learning. I HATE all the
rules with every fiber of my being ;) (I know that doesn't surprise
anyone). Ex: one missionary has to stand outside of the car
and direct the driver EVERY TIME WE BACK UP. It's actually way more
I get discouraged and frustrated with my lack of teaching skills
and confidence. I don't feel like I'm able to express what the spirit says in my heart. I am not sleeping very well (worlds most uncomfortable
mattress), and mornings DO NOT get easier with time, haha. I compare myself
to my companion a lot, which is super unhelpful, and leads to 2.
2) I LOVE Sister Baird.. she is one of those idealistic perfectionists,
who has already gained her bachelor degree from BYU Idaho in Recreation
Therapy, worked with at risk youth, was a cheerleader/officer in high
school, and finds satisfaction in being perfectly obedient regardless of
what "rules" go against common sense. I have SO much fun with Sister Baird! She is also one of the goofiest, most kind and patient people I have ever met. She's always looking for ways to serve others, and has many qualities a more confident me would be inspired by...
but because of my general state of mind right now, it's really hard. It doesn't help that she is about to go home at the end of her mission, and will soon be able to do the regular life things I'm craving.
leave this place, knowing I still have over 16 months. Ok, all that being
said, it has been a HUGE blessing to be able to talk and laugh with someone
my age. She really is a goof ball, and we get a long great! I will miss her a ton.
3) We have a couple investigators right now. Dai and Mallori (20ish and
15), the sisters I told you about a few weeks ago. They were doing really
well, but then they came to church once and kind of lost interest. We have
become really good friends with them though, and they still want us to come
give discussions! I hope we can find a way to help them understand the
message we bring can't be found anywhere else. Daniel (38) is our trailer
neighbor... the trailer we live in has been split into two apartments, and
he lives in the other half, haha. He's really nice, and has also become a
good friend of ours. He has been through a lot of tough stuff in his life,
and we have seen him really change over the past month of just talking
outside our house. We had one formal lesson with him, but calling it a
lesson freaked him out, so now we just "chat" every so often, and teach as
many Gospel Principals as we can. I introduced him to the Church's 12 step
program, and he watched all the videos (found on, and loved
them. He came to us the other day and said his friends at work asked whyhe's happy lately. He asked if he could refer some of them to us, haha! So
awesome. We need all the referrals we can get in this town! We are trying
so hard to help people, but southern Christianity is really something
else.. I'm trying really hard to understand it, but if I hear "*no thanks,
I'm already saved*" one more time, I might lose it.
4) We have a really tight budget, and pray daily for people to feed us
haha. I have spent way more of my own money than I thought I would have had
to, and have been pretty frustrated with the whole system. But Sister Baird
says this isn't the usual, and that I'll be way less tight on money in the
other areas I serve, so I'm trying not to get too annoyed yet. She said
there are more members to feed us in most other areas. We had to restock
EVERYTHING when we first moved in to the trailer (food and cleaning supplies etc.) so we ran out of money less than half way through the month
and had to use personal funds. The mission office reimbursed for some of
the cleaning supplies, but yeah. We get 150.00 each per month to pay for
everything we need, and it goes fast. I think this month we're doing
better. We're not starving, it's just not exactly comfortable living ;) But
there've been lots of tender mercies! Like birthday card cash showing up on
days when we've needed to buy groceries or lunch! So don't worry, we're
good for now. Like I said, I think we'll be fine this month, and I'm still
just getting the hang of everything.
get to Florence for District Meeting. There's a documentary about it on
Netflix that ya'll should watch! It's where the deep south jazz sound came
from. Tell my music loving siblings to watch! Dad, you'll love it too. I
haven't watched it.. obviously (Bishop loves music, he's told me all about
it). But I can't wait to see it when I get home!
So last Monday we carved pumpkins as a district
After this, we're going to the COON DOG CEMETARY! So stoked. Expect
pictures next week :D
So I've given ya'll lots of honesty about the struggles today.. I want you
to know there is also a lot of joy to be had.
most in conference and I am confident that joy is what I'm here to learn.
From my conference notes: "Joy is the result of repentance. Jesus Christ
*can* forgive because he paid the price, but he *chooses *to forgive
because it brings *Him **joy.* He loves you!"
lot to know what to write about :) I'll get better at this.
Sister Smith
Might as well be on the moon... /Huntsville - E-Mail 2/12/18
Hello!! Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks. So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pr...
Hello!!!! What the.. it feels like an eternity since I've actually written!! WELCOME TO 2018 YA'LL! It's going to be the bes...
HI! Thank you so much for the Birthday emails!! ❤😁💙💚😄 I love you guys so much, and am sorry I'm responding with a group email * for ...
Nephite eye patch for...Pink Eye (Shhhhhh) HI! So this week was super cool. I got an eye infection (Sister Mathis and the Mission ...