Well... I'm going to attempt to catch you up on the last 3 weeks.
So saying bye to all my Tuscaloosa peeps was pretty bitter sweet. I love them dearly, and will miss them while we're apart!
Sister Denney and I had been in the same district last transfer, and both knew we were being transferred, so we said goodbye to Sisters Womeldorf and Hammond (Denney's last comp), and drove to transfers together. Since we had both been called as STLs we had a pretty good idea that we might be comps, but were still super stoked to have it confirmed once we got to the meeting!
We were both a little overwhelmed when told of our new assignment to open an area, but also so excited for the adventure! (And it certainly has been!!)
Sister Denney and I had been in the same district last transfer, and both knew we were being transferred, so we said goodbye to Sisters Womeldorf and Hammond (Denney's last comp), and drove to transfers together. Since we had both been called as STLs we had a pretty good idea that we might be comps, but were still super stoked to have it confirmed once we got to the meeting!
We stayed with the Hermanas that first night, and went to a really cool boxing gym the next morning called ROCK STEADY. We volunteer there some mornings, and help seniors battling Parkinson's disease with there work outs. It's so awesome!
We were able to move in to a new apartment by Thursday night. Thank heavens for Elders and the Barfuss' (Senior couple housing coordinators) who came to help us move furniture and everything into the new place. It's actually been really nice to start from scratch. Although in the hustle, we totally forgot to think about buying food for the apartment, so that was a rough 24 hrs LOL.
There have been so many sweet miracles during this last transfer already! One being that we were able to connect with my former Elder Chase Currier and his family! They had us over for dinner, and it was so fun to see him and his cute wife! We got to meet his parents and siblings and all their cute families too, it was so fun. It's been really cool and surreal for me to revisit the beginning of my journey in a way, here at the end of my mission. Being able to talk to Chase about what it was like to teach me as a missionary, and to now be wearing a tag myself, and representing the Lord in the same work that changed my life.. well it's just really special to me.
So my injured ankle was doing really good there for a couple weeks, but it seems to be re-injured, probably due to all the sports we play in the YSA.. Sister Denney also has an injured knee, so we're kind of a wreck. Elder Haar lets us borrow his TENS machine, which helps a bit. We were both icing during studies the other morning, and ended up just laughing at how pathetic we look together.
Oh, we do service at an animal shelter called The Ark, where we get to play with puppies and cats, and talk to the hilarious workers. They are so kind, and grateful to have us. I love how service softens hearts.
While back in Hoover last week for MLC (missionary leadership council) I got to visit one of my favorite members, Cheryl and her son Will! Sweet reunion.
Well, we're still trying to figure everything out. Balancing time between two wards is a bit difficult, but the challenge is exciting and definitely keeping us busy. It's good to be busy right now. Emotions are all over the place lately, as I'm so ready to be with my family again, but so scared to leave this place and these people. My people.
I have a lot of things to be grateful for today. Most importantly, that we've started meeting with a woman named Melissa. She's 29 with a husband and two kids, and has completely lost her faith. I knew when we first met her that I would connect with her, but as we've continued to meet I have been shown the mercy of the Lord in so many ways. So much of what she says to us mirrors exact fears and worries I expressed to my own missionaries when I was being taught. I can't adequately express the love and gratitude I feel to my Heavenly Father for allowing me the opportunity to serve, teach and love someone the way I was taken care of by instruments of the Lord. Just earlier the day we met her, I had been wondering if I would ever have one of those experiences you sometimes hear people talk about, where they met a certain person they KNEW they were sent on their missions to find. I truly feel that this is one of those experiences. I am filled with such tender feelings when Melissa expresses her frustration and fear that she will ever have the testimony she once had. I can still remember what it felt like to be void of hope. And at the same time, my heart swells with the knowledge that she can and will be able to feel that "perfect brightness of hope" again, and she relearns how to exercise faith in our Savior. I feel the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for Melissa, their unwavering patience and confidence in her ability to overcome this trial she now faces. Yesterday we talked about how sometimes "commitment comes before desire." When we feel we are in our 4th watch, with no sign of help in sight, we must keep holding fast to HOPE. And from that hope we find the faith to act, to keep reading the scriptures even if we don't understand why yet. To keep praying even when we aren't sure anyone if listening. It's in these moments when we are wrestling with ourselves, or with doubt, that we grow stronger. I admire Melissa and her husband (who is still very faithful and patient in helping his wife), for their courage and honesty in this trial. Sister Denney and I could both feel the guidance of the spirit in our conversation. We are going to continue to meet about twice a week.
Well I love you guys so much, and hope you have a great week. Talk to you soon!
Love Sister Smith